Chapter 27

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Present Day

Narrator: Petra

Chapter 27

I had the stupidest job ever protecting Miyuki from Merope. He had survived the torture but was stuck in a wheelchair. The weird thing was Merope's goals were different from her host body. Chika wanted to murder him while Merope was actually infatuated with him. Still, her probation required the two at a safe distance from each other.

"I have a question, where is everybody?!" she asked me at lunch.

"I don't know," I told her.

However, Merope kept her attention fixed on him.

"Do you want to play tic-tac-toe?" I asked.

"That's boring," she responded.

I was running out of options. I asked my friends for help but most of them declined. Everyone except for Madison. He had a weird plan though involving a stick. I decided to go with it.

"Merope, do you see the stick?" Madison asked, holding it out in front of her face.

"Yes!" she gleamed.

"Fetch!" he said, throwing it.

The stick hit Mr. Gawain and Merope launched herself on top of him.

"Who threw that stick!?" he yelled.

I was in big trouble...

Petra: A Kingdom By The Sea (Offenders: Petra #3)Where stories live. Discover now