Chapter 5: To New Orleans

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Hayley's P.O.V

I shouldn't disturb them. Elijah would certainly not be keen on talking with me right now, not after the events of last night; my drinking problem is so embarrassing. I'm definitely going to lay off the alcohol for a while. My daughter's what's important right now, although from what Marcel said last night I'm starting to feel anxious and more eager than before to get on the flight.

I'm calling him.

"Marcel. It's me, look I was just wondering what was going on with you last night, you startled me a little."

"I'm sorry. I had a friend over, things were out of control and Hope was disturbed, so I had to kick my friend out to check on her."

That's a relief.

"Oh. Well thank you for being honest with me, you've made my morning and made me happy."

"What's wrong?"

"Last night I went all drink-crazy and overdid it with Elijah and humiliated myself."

Marcel gives no relply.

"Marcel, you still there?"

He's hung up. Again he's creeping me out, what's gong on?

Whatever it is, I'm sick of it and am heading to the airport right now. I trusted Marcel with my baby and he's hanging up on me and speaking like he's scared that I'll make a fuss at him, I can't take it.

"See you in New Orleans." I say as I storm off towards Elena and Elijah's bedroom.


Elena's P.O.V

A new day has begun. The sun shines through the curtains and makes me feel happy and welcome the day. Elijah is asleep; or is he? As I make a soft sound he pulls me in a little tight and strokes my head as he rolls over and we are pressed together like a compressed pad.

"Good morning." I say with soft feeling.

"Feels perfect."

As I turn to meet his face we are unexpectedly interrupted.

"Rise and shine, sleepyheads." Hayley sounds all moody and facetious.

We are both turned and shocked to see her in the room, staring at us in bed.

"Wha... Hayley." I am completely self-conscious and uncomfortable.

Elijah looks away; ashamed of whay he's seeing and quite embarrassed.

"Look, I've seen this, if I haven't I wouldn't even be in here this minute."

We both return our attention to her presence and accept her full conversation. This isn't the first time I've had someone in the room after I've had a peaceful night with a man, it's becoming a bit of a thing for me now.

"The plan is simple; I'm going to New Orleans, you're both coming with me, ok?" Hayley talks to us like we're dogs; she is making gestures with her hand that gives the signs of controlling us, like telling a dog to stay.

"Look, we have our own lives, you're mother issues are none of our concern." Elijah retorts forcefully.

The two of them arguing is rather awkward for me; like piggy in the middle when I was younger, when I was in the middle then Bonnie and Caroline would throw the ball everywhere, I'd always catch it when Caroline threw for th first time, sometimes when Matt and Tyler came over we would all run around the garden like ants running up and down their antshill, Jeremy would usually chase us with the ball, he was younger than all of us, but he knew what he was doing.Thinking back I remember how I'd act like a surrogate mother to Jeremy sometimes, only when we were both alone in my room or his and at least Jer wasn't so insane and destroying himself- back when he was on smoking and pills- it was the fun times back then.

"Elena, are you listening?!" Hayley's all tense and bossy with me now.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I distrcted myself, I really shouldn't have.

"I was saying to Elijah that since you're pregnant then shouldn't he care about my baby because you'll both have your troubles with your own baby, or did you not think about that?" all smart-mouthed and snappy, she's got a red-hot temper.

She's not going to stop, we have no choice, really.

"If we help you then do you promise to let us get on with our lives, by oruselves?" I'm saying whatever I can to get her back; not because I don't like her, I just want her off my back.

"Promise, I'll even throw in a pinkie swear if you like." I can see that she is very firm and serious with her promises, just like I am.

"That's fine, thank you." all is setlled and well again.

Standing there silent for a meoment, Hayley checks her phone and looks straight back at us again.

"Well, chop chop, we've gotta get going." in no time at all she's straight out the door and it's just me and Elijah.

For a moment there it just felt lik he wasn't even here and I was all alone in this bed. He's here now, that's what matters now.

"Do you think we'll ever get a minute to ourselves?" trying to change the subject.

Elijah smiles at my witty remark, I know that deep down that's all that he wants; it's a desire he's been chasing after for a very long time.

"We'll get through this, give Hayley the boot and it's off we go."

I never really thought that Elijah would talk like that; Hayley must be the bane of his past, a bitter seed that's been growing in his front garden; he obviously wants to get rid off her fast.

"We should get up." he's leaving the bed.

"Eh. Not so fast." I use my power and pull him back down.

He laughs when his body retracts itself back onto the soft, comfotrable mattress and he is lying down again. For a few minutes he stares at the ceiling and then turns to look at me, a smile extends across his face, it makes me feel much better, the same goes for him too.

"Come here." I say, whispering softly.

We both press our lips together, as we move in closer I feel a sudden movement; it was inside of me, it was the baby kicking. It feels a little sore, but it doesn't change anything.

"It's gonna get worse before it gets better." my words inspire such joy (not).

"Shall we get up?" he asks.

"Yes. Come on we have to go sort this mess out, but believe me when I say: that although I may be pregnant, nothing is going to attack, kidnap, feed on or harm me." such power and feeling contains itself in my words.

"So where shall we go?" I'm asking him casually.

"That's a rhetorical question, Elena you know where we're going right n..." I can see what she's doing, her eyebrows are raised.

"I am making a toast or a speech if you like to our next chapter."

"You writing a book on this?"

"No. But if I'm going to be a writer then I have to work on this, actuallly this could be an idea for me if I do become a writer."

I immediately come to my senses, this is not the time for daydreaming right now. Elijah knows it too. I stop talking and grab my bag, everything's inside it, now I just have to get dressed.

"To New Orleans." I give a final comment.

Authors Note:

Hope you're liking this, sorry it took a while, I'm open to any ideas and I'm gonna keep it going, keep reading and enjoy, thanks.

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