Chapter 31: How Could You?!

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Just finishing up dumping my daggered vampire-brothers bodies in the dungeon. It truly brings back old memories; back when I left Finn daggered and daggered Kol on a number of occasions. So much for our family reunion.

  "Seems like our family has a disturbing predilection for turning against one another." my so-called- mysterious, in my opinion- older-younger sister Freya expresses her feelings regarding the war our family has been fighting for the last a thousand years.

  "You have no right; talking down about your own family you hardly know let alone are apart of. I may not be the oldest, but I have been leading our family and making it the way it has evolved to up till this very day." my sister doesn't seem surprised at what I've just told her.

  "I naturally assumed that Elijah; being as after me and Finn, he was the oldest Mikaelson, I believed he would have led the family seeing as he was as Finn saw him: the compassionate one. You being the irrational, uncontrollable beast." such vehemence, her words are like a double-edged sword.

"As the others; you're just another. One who doesn't trust me and sees me as an affront to everything our family values. If it weren't for me, Rebekah and Elijah you'd have no family to come home to." I'm speaking threateningly to her.

Freya stares daggers at me all the same.

"I imagine you understand that our family has had its fair share of quarrels, disputes, even life-threatening battles with one another. This family is a torn cloth, why else do you think almost half of us were daggered and we'd depend on our friends and lovers here?"

Freya hasn't spoken after hearing the horror that our family had become and posed to-ironically ourselves. I suppose it can be nothing other than the result of her memories of our family being a normal happy family, unfortunately she was practically disowned from our family by mother and handed over to our aunt Dahlia as payment for every Mikaelsons existence.

I turn my head away in amusement of how she all but understands that I'm right.

"I was aware, brother. This 'war' is over, our family is all but reunited. All I care about is our family and doing all I can do to prove that I am trustworthy and will do anything to eliminate our ever coming threat; Dahlia."

How dare she call me brother? If anyone is to handle our new enemy, it's me. It matters not to me that our family will not have me listed as their number one most trusted, but anyone besides Freya will do. My thought focus on nothing more than than my desire to rip Dahlia and anyone associated with her to shreds. I've come to be distracted as Freya deserts me and walks out of the dungeon room.
   "If you care about your daughters safety... you will trust me." she's reached her last straw.

   Without knowing it, I grope Freya by her head and turn it sideways; cracking her neck and leaving her unconscious and dead (if she isn't immortal as I've been led to believe she is).

"Klaus?!" Caroline screams.

Bad timing. Rough timing. The girl I fall in love with just happens to stumble upon the scene of my typical wrongdoing; not that I'm sorry she had to see it though. At least now she understands that I've changed and reverted back to being who I really am.

"I guess it's over between us?" maybe not the right time to say so.

"You think?! What is the matter with you?!" she comes closer.

Talking like a love struck, naïve little girl who let love cloud her senses and take control of her vampirism. It seems to me that our love was a mere mistake. Just another lead astray love of mine who I shouldn't have felt for, but did.

Caroline's hand slaps my face, my cheek feeling red and smacked hard. Before I can allow her the chance to repeat her channeling her anger against me, I grip her wrist and stare at her with my hybrid eyes; all if have to do is bite her and she'd be feeling pain like I do, but worse, excruciating and unless I choose to feed her my blood; would be the death of her. I'm not entirely that person again though.

Pushing past her, she and I part ways with me walking away from her. It wouldn't be the first time. Anything I love turns in me or crumbles to nothing. But just walking away doesn't keep her from me; I hear her footsteps approaching from behind and I couldn't care less. Company makes its way to us; there's a crowd. Camille has obviously been looking for me and now like all the times before, she comes to me as always.

As an attempt to accelerate the pain, I hug Camille and feel her arms reach around behind me. Caroline is watching, I tighten my grip, in no time at all.....she walks past us and away.l like shoe doesn't care, but I know she does; her humanity is her grievous sin. But it's not until Camille notices her that she is cross with me too.

   "You did that to hurt her?" yet another soul gives me its critique.

   Camille, with an incredulous expression and disappointment she turns away and leaves me standing alone. That's just what I am. No one is more alone than I am and in truth I cannot see myself as anything other than just that.

  Why should it matter? I said it once before and I'd say it again:
  "In the end we're left infinitely and utterly........alone."

   Upon the instant that I have rejoined the company that I share in this home I am acquainted again by Caroline's face. No tears, a face that gives the sign that she's about to spot words at me as though I'm her puppet.
  "Klaus, what's happened to you?" pitying me with the face that makes me vulnerable.
    I feel like a wounded gazelle in her eyes. Her face only tells me that I have to let my humanity in. Humanity is only an excuse that says you are denying that which you are, and I refuse to let it overpower me.
  "Nothing's happened, love. I just had to wake up and realise that I'm not who you think I am. I can't be, and you have to forget what we ever had."

  "So that's it, you just expect me to forget whatever I, what we had, all of it? Klaus, you're hurting stop doing this. I love you." she begs.

  "Then stop loving me!" I speed up to her face and say it.
    I have to try hard to block or the tears sprouting at my eyes. Her hand rests on top of my cheek and she tries to lean in to hold me against her.

   "I can't." she looks at me with no fear.

Pulling back, I'm freed from her and turn my back on her to walk away from her myself. The curse of being with vampire hearing is sometimes a heavy burden. I hear her crying, it compels me to let one of my tears release itself and drop down my cheek.

My humanity is showing.

Authors Note:
  It pained me to do this, but I thought it was relevant as Klaus can be the better him and then he changes and becomes worse.

  If you thought this was rough and heartbreaking then wait until the next Klaroline chapter.


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