Chapter 1: Uncertainties

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A voice calls out loud.

"Elena!!" A second voice calls out louder.

"Elena!!!" A third voice calls out even louder.

I'm screaming out in pain, lying on a stretcher and there is darkness surrounding me. My respiration system feels all clogged up; I'm breathing heavily, gasping for breath...

There is heavy crying; it's not me, I realise immediately what it is... the baby.

A shadowed figure holds the baby; all I can see is the hands, nothing else; from the look of the small hands and long thin fingers I can tell its a female.

"Wait... ple... pleas... please let me hold my child." I feel as though I can't speak or even make out what I'm saying.

The hands move in on me, the baby is still crying, until I reach my hands out to hold it, but then...

'What's happening?'

The baby has disappeared, along with the shadowy figure and all that is left is dark and I'm all alone, lying on the stretcher.

I conceal my face and cry into my hands, I can't bear this.

Suddenly a hand reaches out and rests on top of my shoulder, the darkness evaporates and light becomes present; but my baby is gone and my eyes are closed from the extremely potent brightness.

I hear crying, it's right behind me, I open my eyes and turn my head to look behind; there it is the baby, cradled in the arms of a tall figure, he's dressed in a suit.

It's Elijah.

It was just a dream. I can feel my shoulder being shook, I wake up inside a car; we must be at the next destination.

Elijah stands on the outside of my door. I stare at his arms, empty, I look at me stomach, it's flat but not empty.

"We're here." he says softly.

I feel like I'm about to fall asleep again, instead I levitate myself and come out of the car; I'm using my magic.

Now standing in front of him I rest my head on his chest for comfort, I reach for his head, caress his hair and breathe hard, trying to stifle depression.

"I've got the bags, you go inside, get checked in and I'll see you in the room."

We are only parted by the most infinitesimal distance I think is possible. He kisses me, I'm not afraid because I'm with him and everything's going perfectly.

Inside I can see the lobby is quite packed; we're in New York, the hotel is extravagant.

It's the Courtyard New York, Manhattan/ SOHO hotel, I read about it when I was planning on coming here for my work experience, it's comfortable.

Right across from me is the front desk for reception, I make my way towards the brown haired woman; she looks awfully familiar, someone Tyler knew I think.

"Hello." I ask her, she doesn't notice me, too busy typing.

Eventually she looks up at me, thank goodness.

"Hi, can I help you."

"Yes. A room for me and my friend, he'll be in here with the bags soon, so if you could tell him the way."

"Ok. We do have rooms available, however you'll have to be in the top floor, we have a lot of reservations pouring in over the next few days, is that ok?"

"No, that'll be fine thanks."

"OK. Do you have your credit card?"

"Yes. Right here." I reach into my purse and pull out my card, hand it to her as she begins to check us in.

"If you could please just take a seat over there please." She hands me back my card.

I take a seat, stare at everything going on around me. Elijah enters with the bags, I walk towards him.

"Did you get checked in?"

"Yes. She's just getting us the key."

Elijah stares at the woman shocked, what's wrong?

"Something wrong?" I ask him.

"No, no, everything's fine. You get the key and go up to the room and I'll be right behind you."

I smile, kiss him softly and head back to the desk.

"Do you have the key ready?"

"Sure, here you go." she haves the key up over the desk, I take it gladly.

"Have we met by the way? You seem awfully familiar." she tells me looking puzzled.

"Yeah. I kinda thought the same thing, were you friends with Tyler Lockwood by any chance."

He pupils dilate as though she's been surprised.

"Yes I was!" She says like a teenager.

"You knew him?" She asks.

"Yeah, we were friends, are you both related somehow?"

"No, he and I were just friends, well used to be, long story, things just got rough."

"Well, I'll see you around, thank you for the key."

"Sure, yeah. Are you here with someone?" She asks.

"Yeah, he's just..." I don't see Elijah anywhere.

"Is that him there?"

I see him standing by the elevator, holding the bags and looking for me.

"Yeah, that's him, thanks."

I leave the desk and follow Elijah, he's carrying the bags and waiting for the elevator. Standing right behind him I hug him from behind, I rest my face on his back and breathe onto his dark blue polyester blazer.

"So, where's our room?" He asks in a very flirtatious tone.

"On the top floor, the girl at the desk over there said it had to be there, said there was reservations coming in the next few days."

"What girl?"

"Right over there." I say aiming at the dark brown haired woman.

"By the way she said she knew Tyler, also she looked at you quite unusually. Do you know her?"

Elijah looks at her like she's an ex girlfriend come back to haunt him; except not covering his face or trying to hide.

"You know her don't you? You're looking at her in that way too."

"Her names Hayley, Hayley Marshall, she came to me, Klaus and Rebekah in New Orleans. Just like you she was pregnant, only it was with Klaus's baby, her names Hope."

"So, why wasn't she with you and your siblings when you came to Mystic Falls?"

"Unfortunately she couldn't bear to stay with us anymore, she left with Hope."

"Instead of being a mother she's working in a hotel?"

"She said she wanted a normal life, this must be the closest she's come."

"Wait, did you say that her and Klaus had a baby girl together?"

Elijah nods seeming quite incredulous as well, the elevator opens and we make our way inside.

"I'll tell you everything when we're in the room."

I smile at him with awe, though there's something he's not telling me: the way he looked at her, what was that all about?

In spite of how I feel, all that I can think of is me and Elijah:

I levitate the bags; it's just us in the elevator, I kiss him and we remain still, nothing can distract us from any of this.

It's perfect.

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