Chapter 22: Hiding

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*Aaron's POV*

Since Sarah told me that she loved me on that Saturday, I couldn't forget that moment or face her anymore. I knew I was being unfair to her and ignoring her but I just couldn't go in front of her or say anything to her. What should I say, either? I didn't have a freaking idea! I haven't talked to her all weekend or replied to any of her messages. And now it was Monday already and I knew that I would have to face her today or tomorrow. It would be impossible to hide myself from her when we would be in the same place together. And what made it worse was that I had to go for a meeting in the same building where she worked. This was going to be really hard for me.

Gathering courage, I walked into the building and went on the 5th floor along with Addy and some colleagues. I heard that she worked on the third one. So most likely, I wouldn't be seeing her. If everything was normal like before, then I would have been really excited to meet her, but after her confession, I was afraid to meet her. I still didn't have the answer to give her.

When the elevator doors opened, I fastened my steps to the conference room. The meeting went super well; they were so interested in our work that they even sealed the deal with us. And now I would have to go to LA to see their land there before we started our work.

Walking out of the conference room, Addy said that he had to use the washroom. I waited for him in the hall. Looking at my phone while leaning against the wall, I heard a voice that just called out my name.
'SHIT!' I don't have any choice but to face her now. She was standing right in front of me, looking at me with a surprised look but more of a worried expression.

"Aaron! I've been trying to talk to you." She said in a low voice like she was scared to talk to me when, right now, I was the one who was afraid of whatever she was going to say.
"Go on but I'm in a hurry." I said without any emotion in my voice. She lowered her head before she said the words that I wasn't expecting at all.

"I'm really sorry, Aaron for whatever happened on Saturday. I shouldn't have done that. I know I caught you off guard when I said......" she said while her voice trailed down.
"But it's true that I love you and I will wait for you. I'm really sorry that I scared you like that. Please forgive me?" She asked looking at me with hope. I just looked away because I couldn't meet her eyes. They were full of emotions that will tear me down if I looked at them.
I didn't say anything to her and again she lowered her head. I hated when she dis that.
After sometimes, when she didn't say anything more, I said
"I'm going out of town tomorrow. So, don't call me, I will be busy with work." I said kind of harshly. She just nodded still looking down. I just hope she wouldn't cry or anything.
"Have a good trip" she murmured slowly but I heard it anyway. Just then Addy came and said hi to Sarah.
I didn't let Addy talk to Sarah either when I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me saying we needed to go. I didn't even look back at Sarah not even once but I knew I've hurt her with my behavior. It was for the best if she stayed away from me because I wouldn't be able to give her what she wanted from me.

"What was that man? You didn't even let me talk to her?" Addy asked while jerking his hand from my grip. I said nothing to him and keep on walk till I reached my office. My manager was already seated in my cabin waiting for my return.
"Parker! Good job." He said, offering his hand for a handshake. I shook hand with him and nodded with a thank you.
"So you're going to LA tomorrow with the same group for the sight check and be back after 2 days, okay?" He said and I nodded before he left. That was great. I needed some more times to distract myself from all these messes in my mind. I went home and started packing my clothes as my flight was in early morning.

I was at the airport before checked in when I received a text from Sarah,

S: 'Have a safe flight!💖'

I quickly deleted the text and switched off my phone. If I kept looking at her text, I would be tempted to reply to her which I couldn't do even by mistake right now. This was the only way to make me forget her. We landed in LA around noon and went to the hotel to rest. The next day, I went for the sight-seeing with my colleagues and Addy. We discussed a lot about our upcoming project and all, then later, at night we went to the club.

I really need some drinks into my system to calm myself a bit. Since I've met Sarah, I haven't drink nor sleep with anyone. I somehow really liked her and I wanted only her but then everything has changed since she proposed me. It sucked yah! I started to gulp down shots after shots that it burned my throat down. I was so drunk that I didn't even remember anything. I blurredly remember dancing with some girl, and then all was blank. I didn't remember, shit! I just hope that I didn't do anything that I shouldn't have. I woke up the next morning with a huge hangover. 'DAMN! My head hurts so much. I shouldn't have drink so much.' But then I had to distract myself from Sarah. That afternoon we flew back to town and when I turned on my phone, surprisingly there was no more messages from Sarah. I felt sad that she didn't text again. 'After having not replying to her texts and now I'm expecting her to message me again. IDIOT!' I thought and maybe I was right. I was ignoring her after all but still I felt sad. Uggghhh!!
I went back home and laid on my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I knew that whatever I was doing was hurting her but I couldn't help it.. I had a feeling that she may leave me for someone else later, just like Anna did to me.

Anna Hadley! That name made me hate a lot of girls. She was the first girl who made me fell truly and deeply in love with her innocent face and gorgeous body. She was the first one I shared my body, my everything with her. We met at high school and fell in love. She became my everything till we had to part ways for college. But we managed to keep our relationship going even if it was a long one. But then for her birthday I decided to give her a surprise but I was myself surprised when I found her in bed with another fucking man. And when I asked for an explanation, she chose that motherfucker because he was richer and better than me. She made me fell in love with her and then she left. I was devastated and since then I went and slept around. But then, all of a sudden, Sarah came and everything changed. I was just afraid. I didn't want to be heart broken again.

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