Chapter 12: Confusion

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*Sarah's POV*

After dinner at night, I silently strolled to my mom's room and saw her sitting on her bed, reading a book. Now you can say how and where I've got that passion for reading. My mom loved reading, but I turned out to be worse than her. I preferred buying books to fill my library over other girly things, except for food because food is life.

"Mom?" I called her out in a low voice.

She lifted her head up quickly like she was making sure if she heard being called. I understood that feeling so well when you got lost in the story of the book and when someone called out to you, it took a few seconds to be back to reality.
"Can I talk to you for a moment please?" I said nervously, waiting for her response. She just nodded, closing her book and put it aside and was waiting for me.
I closed the door behind me and walked to her bed where she was seated. While walking, I heard the running of the shower, it seemed like dad was here too.
I went and sat near her on the bed, and I noticed that she quickly turned her face to the other direction rather than looking at me. I was not going to lie but that reaction hurt me a lot.
It took me a moment to gather my emotions and my words to say to her.
"Mom, I know you're still angry with me for whatever happened, but mom trust me I didn't do anything with the intention of hurting Mary in any ways. Aaron and I were just getting to know each other, we were never dating mom. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about going out with him. I'm sorry for that mom because it was only as a friend, nothing serious. And I haven't slept with him mom. Please trust me on that. Do you really think I would do such a thing that soon?" I said with my voice started to crack and tears had already gathered in my eyes. I tried to control myself, but tears had already started rolling down.
"You know me since a child mom, how could you believe that I will do such a thing mom?" I said, now clearly crying.
It still hurt at how she didn't believe me and even hear me out once. I looked at her faced and she was just staring in daze. I knew she was listening to me because her eyes were blinking. Just then, dad emerged from the bathroom and came to us.
"Dad please believe me, I really didn't do anything to hurt Mary purposely nor to hurt anyone of you." I said to him, hoping that at least he would believe me.
"I know sweetheart, I heard everything. We want to believe you my girl, but you know how your aunt Elena is. She will keep on taunting us about it now like she always does for every small thing. And you know that these taunts hurt your mom so much. Just give your mom sometime, she'll come around soon." He said with a reassuring smile.
I looked at mom but still no reaction from her.
"Mom please say something. Scold me or whatever but please say something to me. Please." I begged her crying. I couldn't stand her silence like that.
She still didn't say anything, I walked out from the room. It hurts, it freaking hurt so much when your close ones did not believe you at all.
I went to my room and plopped on my bed, crying continuously. It pained so much.

I didn't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up, a headache was killing me. I must have been crying so much last night. I looked at my phone and it was 6 am and then I remembered that it was Monday and I had to go to work. Thinking of Aaron would be there made me stepped back. I was not ready to face him that soon because I didn't even know if he was the one telling
everyone there about me.
I quickly sent a message to my manager saying that I was sick and wouldn't make it today. I then put my phone aside and tried to go to sleep again. I wasn't in mood for anything today. I then thought that I should at least send a text to Aaron telling him to stop talking to me. It would be fair to at least inform someone before just walking away without a word said but I didn't know. I remembered the words of Ziya of not talking to him again, but I didn't know. I turned to the other side and tried to sleep.

All day I was in my room, reading because that would help me to distract my mind. At 4 p.m., I went to the kitchen quietly as I knew mom would be in her room and that no one would be home from work any time soon. I quickly cooked 2 packets of instant noodles as I was starving since I didn't eat anything in the morning. Consider it as a late lunch and an early dinner for me. I quickly ate my food, did the dishes and went back to my room.
Seated at my window seat, I came to think about why would Elena accuse me so much like that? Did I do something to her that made her reacted this way? And how did Elena know about Aaron and me, when nobody knew about us? Still, I couldn't find any answer. I kept on debating whether to send Aaron a text or not. When I thought I had enough of thinking, I grabbed my phone and thought that it would be my last text to him and started typing.

Later on, his messages came with 'please don't do this. I need you... please talk to me.' His words made my heart ached somehow, but I didn't reply to him. I was so confused with everything. I couldn't figure out whom to believe? The woman who was my mom's sister, who I grew up with and who was the closest to my family, my loved one or the guy who I met suddenly like 3 weeks ago, whom I started liking him and his company, whose words affected me in some ways? I didn't know whom to trust, whom to believe and I couldn't keep hurting mom and dad here, it hurt me more. But I didn't know why there was that feeling which said that Aaron didn't do that. I didn't know why?

*Aaron's POV*

It has already been 2 days since Sarah told me to stop talking to her and she didn't even reply to my texts since then. I wasn't going to lie but it was really hurtful when I couldn't talk to her or see her any day. She had become like a drug to me now that I couldn't live without.
She came to work yesterday but didn't come to the café at least once. I thought she might have been hurt so much by Elena. Speaking of which, I still couldn't find a way to know what happened. But I needed to come up with something soon.

I was sitting on my balcony, looking at the sky, thinking about that woman who had started having a deep effect on me now. I texted her again this early evening when I got off work; asking her to talk to me but till now, no response. Just then I heard a bing sound on my phone and checked immediately. Sarah! She replied! I had a smile on my face in a second.

S: 'Why did you do that Aaron? Why did you tell everyone about me when nothing was serious between us?'

I frowned at her text. What was she talking about? I didn't tell anyone about her yet except my family. I replied immediately..

A: 'What are you talking about? I didn't say anything to anyone about you.'

I was shaking my foot in a nervous state , hoping she would replied and she did.

S: 'Then why was Mary having problems with her in laws because of me?'


A: 'Sarah who told you that? Mary is happy here!'

The least I could remember, I did saw Mary happy in here then why she was saying that.

S: 'Elena said that.'

I knew it! IT WAS HER. DAMN IT!

A: 'Sarah that's not true at all. And I didn't do anything nor tell anything about you to anyone. Please believe me?'

S: 'I don't know whom to believe anymore.'

It hurts that she wasn't believing what i was saying. Was the problem more deeper than what i was thinking it was.

A: 'Sarah please! Talk to me... I need you!'

S: 'I don't know Aaron. I need some space. Please let me be alone for some days?'

It hurts again. She needed space from me. It only meant that I haven't win her trust yet for her finding it difficult to believe me.

A: 'Okay. Take care Princess.. I'll be right here.

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. My head started hurting. I needed her but I should at least give her some more times too to clear off her mind.

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