Chapter 13: I miss you

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*Aaron's POV*

It has already been a week since the last time I talked to Sarah. She asked for some space and I agreed to give her that as I got to know how confusing the situation was. Elena had filled up her mind with lots of bullshit, and now she was confused about whom to believe. I understood her but that time she asked without specification, was killing me every day. Waking up each day with the hope that maybe today she would come back but in vain. And a week had already passed like that and nothing came up. Nothing at all! And it was frustrating sometimes.

All week I was by myself—not that I had nobody but I wanted no one's company—other than the girl who could make me forget everything, every stress, only with her one smile. Every day I waited at the café, hoping that maybe now or then she would come by and I could see her at least once but she didn't come at all. I was missing her like hell.
I was roaming around like a shell. I would easily snap at someone who kept on irritating me with something. And Addy had gone through this so much that I even remembered his words.
'Dude, stop behaving like that and start getting a hold of yourself, man. I really want to meet that special lady who got you whipped like that.'
He laughed at me and I would only curse him because I knew it was true. Sarah had me wrapped around her finger. I was so deeply and madly attracted to her that sometimes I wondered whether my crush on her had gotten deeper than it should be in such a short amount of time.

Addy knew everything that had happened since he noticed the change in my behavior on Monday so I had to tell him. He kept on telling me to behave normally and that Sarah would eventually come around but I couldn't. I really couldn't behave normally. That feeling of emptiness kept coming back. It was like that spark in me had been gone. I didn't feel that hyped or energized like before. Now I felt like I didn't want to work either. Thank God there has been a bit more work these days; otherwise, I would have already gone crazy by feeling like this all day. These works helped to distract me a bit.

It was Friday night after dinner, and I was lying on my couch in my room. I couldn't stop thinking about Sarah—her angelic face, that smile that can drive any guy crazy and those eyes. Her eyes were very captivating; the way she would look into my eyes when she was talking, it was like they kept me still and I couldn't look away. A knock at my door jerked me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw mom with a glass of water and a tablet of medicine.
"I thought it would help a bit." She said worriedly, coming to the couch.
Mom knew I had been having headaches almost every day now but she didn't say anything. I took 2 Advil and drank it down.
"Can I lay in your lap for a little bit, mom?"
"Sure sweetheart." She said sitting down and I laid my head in her lap just like when I was younger. She was stroking my hair and I closed my eyes, and the image of her face popped in.

I miss you!

I then replayed my talk with Mary.
I went to see her at her house and,

"Mary, can I talk to you? If you're free." I asked her knocking at her door. She was in her room alone folding some clothes and I thought that it would be the perfect moment to ask her since Zac was not around.

"Sure Aaron. Com'on in."

I went and sat on the sofa. I was thinking of how to ask her the questions which kept on wandering in my mind without her knowing about anything. Let's just start with the basic like normal conversation.

"So how are you Mary?" I asked her a little hesitantly, hoping she would not caught me off guard since that was not a usual habit of mine.

"I'm fine, trying to get used to your cousin's unusual habits." She said rolling her eyes. I chuckled at her since I knew how Zac could be sometimes.

"So are you happy here? You're not having any problems with the members of the family and all right?" I asked her and she frowned at me. I bit back my lips and waited for her answer.

"Of course I'm happy here Aaron. These people always keep me happy here. I'm so happy I married Zac and got a great in-laws like them." She said happily with a huge smile on her face. That was all that I wanted to know. I smiled at her and just then my phone rang.

"Sorry Mary, its from work. I would love to talk to you a bit more but I have to go but I'm glad that you're happy here." I said with a genuine smile.

"Thanks for your concern Aaron. I appreciate it. You go ahead." She said with a smile, I nodded at her then I left.
That call wasn't important. I just asked Addy to miss call me in about 5 minutes so that I could get out without being awkward.
That's it Sarah. I've known the truth now and I need to tell you that as soon as possible.

I needed to tell her that now and I didn't care if she needed more time or so. I couldn't waste mine and be without her anymore. I stood up and grabbed my phone.

*Sarah's POV*

It had already been a week since my last conversation with Aaron and I had been a mess till then. I was all the time quiet in my room, I've been reading a lot trying to distract my mind of not thinking about Aaron and whatever Elena said about me because her every harsh words had been printed in my mind. At night I would cry myself to sleep, missing him.

Now I had realized that I had a deep attachment with Aaron. These 3 weeks or so had made us close enough that it was now difficult not to see or talk to him. At work, I kept holding myself not to go to the café during lunch time because I knew he would be there. And I had to remind myself every time about the promise I made to my parents a few days ago when we were having dinner.

"Sarah, we know that whatever has happened it is still bothering you but sweetie, your dad and I want you to promise us not to get into contact or talk to that guy Aaron anymore. It is the only way to end this stupid angriness of Elena and the insults of ours too." My mom said to me, hoping I would get it.
When it came to the reputation of my parents, I would do anything for them no matter what. So I nodded my head yes with a small smile, ignoring that ache in my stomach.

But still many questions are left unanswered and that was bothering me a lot. I was in my room when Aaron's message popped in.

A:'I can't take it anymore. I need to meet you as soon as possible.'

'What had happened that he needed to see me? I hope he was alright!
This thought made something twisted inside my head.
What to do now? Should I go or not?'

I quickly dialed her number and asked her what to do.
She said to me that I should give Aaron a chance to explain his side too and maybe my unanswered questions might be answered too. She said she would help me to get out of the house tomorrow. Best friend really understand you when no one can't.

So I replied to him,

S:' Okay. Tomorrow at the coffee shop at the mall near my place.'

A:' Great. See you at 11💕'

I took a deep breath and went to sleep, thinking about tomorrow.

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