Chapter 23: Doubts

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*Sarah's POV*

I texted him earlier in the morning to have a safe flight but still he didn't reply. I thought maybe he didn't receive my message, as he probably switched off his phone before the plane boarded. So I waited till he landed in LA, then I called him but it was still switched off. I waited and kept on trying till night, but nothing, no response, and no reply. 'Was telling him about my feelings being such a big mistake that he doesn't even want to talk to me anymore?'

Earlier at the office, I met him, and I was surprised to find him standing there. I felt happy seeing him and thought that I would be able to talk to him and solve this mess. But the way he talked to me was very rude and he didn't even look at me when I was talking to him. This has hurt me so much. He didn't even look at me for once. It was clearly shown on his face that he was not interested in talking to me nor was he happy to see me there, just like before when we used to meet. Just that one day, and everything has changed between us. I regret telling him about my feelings; if only I had waited a little longer, maybe things would have been different. The next day, I went to work earlier than usual. I was not in the mood to work but I didn't want to stay at home either. If I stayed at home, I would keep thinking about Aaron when I actually knew that he was ignoring me on purpose. I had to work even though I didn't want to, to keep myself busy and not think about him. If he did not want to talk to me, then I shouldn't force him either. Otherwise, he would really go away from me and I wouldn't be able to handle that. I needed to give him some time. Like Ziya said, he would probably come around himself; I should just wait.

The day flew by, not so quickly, but thank God I have drowned myself in lots of work that I didn't even realize when it was already time to go home. There was no fun when Aaron was not around. I even skipped lunch so that I wouldn't go to that café, which reminded me of him. I miss him so much but I just needed to wait for him to come back. I haven't texted him or called him again in the meantime. At night, I kept scrolling through my social media accounts. I was on Facebook and Instagram, liking memes and all, before I went to sleep. Suddenly, I stopped my finger on one picture, which had taken my breath away. 'Wait! Is that Aaron?' The picture seemed to be like a club and there was Aaron dancing with a girl and a drink in his hand. 'That's really him!' My heart sank deeper as I kept looking at the picture for a few minutes. I looked underneath the picture and it said it was posted 50 minutes ago by Addy, that is, Aaron's best friend. I quickly shut down my account and set my phone aside.

He said he was going there for business purposes; then why was he in a club? And who was that girl? He didn't mention a girl going with them. 'Like he would tell you when he was not interested in talking to me!' I didn't remember her being in their group for the project. I knew there was Addy in there but who was that girl?
Is she his new girlfriend? No, no, no, he would not do that to me. I knew he had feelings for me. I saw it in his eyes multiple times.
'But why was he dancing so close to her like that?'

Maybe she was a colleague or just a friend. 'Do friends dance this close to each other?' Uggghhh, my mind. Stop it!
But then, really, why would he lie to me? He said he was going for business but then he was in the club with a girl, dancing and drinking. I thought he had stopped drinking as he told me that he would stop all of these things.
Was he playing with me? Just like Elena said that he was just time passing with me to get me to his bed and then he would eventually leave me. My heart started to ache and my tears started to roll down my cheeks again. Was this the reason why he was avoiding me like this? I confessed my feelings to him but he didn't feel the same way back. Instead he went out over there, clubbing and dancing with other girls, leaving me in a mess here!

But no, I shouldn't be too quick to judge. Maybe she was just a friend and that his colleagues forced him to go clubbing. Maybe it was only a fun time with his friends and that he got no intention to hurt me. But why was he ignoring me like that if he has no intention to hurt me? Gosh!

So many questions were roaming around my head and I don't have any answer for any of them. 'I'm going to wait for Aaron to come back because I need the answers of these questions.' I wouldn't text him again even when I knew he would be back tomorrow. I would wait and see if he would come back to me or not. 'I really hope he comes to me because I will not be able to live without him. He has become so important in my life now.' My heart still hurt though looking at that picture of him dancing with a random girl. My jealousy started to creep in again and I switched off my phone as my head started hurting. I should sleep and not overthink about anything. 'I love him though and I know he has feelings for me, he won't just admit it.' I closed my eyes and let sleep overcame me.

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