Chapter 6: Planning

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*Aaron's POV*

Damn! I was again stuck in this stupid meeting. They kept on discussing the same information again and again. This sucked, and I was damn hungry. I woke up late today and neither had time to eat nor say good morning to Sarah. She just sent me a good morning text, then went for her interview. I was hesitant to send her a text, wondering whether I would disturb her or not. I missed her already. But I couldn't tell her that. It had only been a few days since I got to know this girl, but she seemed really special. She was different from the other girls that I've dated before. Although I've seen her only once, which was at Zac's wedding, I've admired her enough to remember all the details about her. If only I could look at her closer, it would be the best sight. Speaking of which, now that I've got a beautiful lady, I should start painting in my free time. Yes! I love painting. It used to be my favorite subject at school but then I had to focus on engineering, and I had lost my painting hand. Now that I have thought about it, I should start painting again. It really helped me think.

"I hope everything is clear for you guys. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!" I jerked out of my thoughts of Sarah when I heard my manager asking that. I stayed quiet since I wasn't listening at all and didn't have any idea what he was talking about.
"Well, then since no one has questions, you may proceed to lunch, and afterward you can start working on it." He said that, and everyone started dispersing. Thank God I can finally eat now. I thought I should send Sarah a message now since it was lunch time; she would probably be free. So, I sent her a text while walking to the elevator.

"Hey boy, how are you?" I turned around to see who it was, and I smiled.
"Hey John, I'm good. What about you?" I asked him. The doors of the elevator opened, and we got in.
"I'm fine. I'm just getting off work early today since I've got to go with Christina to the doctor." He said. I frowned at him. When he saw me frowning at him, he said happily, "She's expecting soon."
"OH, congratulations, John. I'm happy for both of you." I said to him with a smile. John was a colleague of mine but more like a big brother. He got married like two years ago and now he was going to be a dad. That was crazy!
"Thank you, Aaron. I better get going; I see you later. Bye." He said, hurrying off the elevator and dashed off the door.

I was walking towards the door while replying to Sarah's texts when I heard my name being called. I looked back and saw Addy jogging towards me.
Addison Brooks, nicknamed Addy, was a colleague of mine but also my best friend since college. We did a lot of things together in college, which led us to have the image of playboys. We were actually playboys, getting new girls every week but Addy was worse than me. The right word for him was a womanizer. I stopped playing around when I fell in love with my ex, but Addy didn't. But however he was, he was still my best friend.
"Are you going to the café down the way? He asked straightly.
"Yeah, why?" I replied.
"Dude, please get me a coffee; I have something important to do." He said, looking somewhere else.
"Which is what exactly needs to be done at lunch time, dude?" I asked him while trying to locate what he was looking at and when I saw who it was,
"Dude seriously?" I asked him, surprised.
"What? She's hot, yah. There's no harm in trying." He winked at me. See what I was talking about? I shook my head, laughing.
"Okay, suit yourself." I said walking towards the door.

I walked down the street and was about to open the door of the café when someone bumped into my chest. I looked down at that girl and
"Sarah!" I called out. I was surprised to see her here. She looked shocked as well. I saw her checking me out and I smirked internally. I took the opportunity to look at her as well. Damn! She was gorgeous. She was in the formal look but still managed to look effortlessly gorgeous. The curves of her body were beautifully defined, and her face was simple—not too much makeup like at Zac's wedding. In fact, she looked more beautiful without makeup. She looked really different today and her beauty kept mesmerizing me each time. My nervousness around her started to creep in again. I suddenly started feeling hot. I looked at her and she still seemed to be in a trance.
"Earth to Sarah." I waved my hand in front of her.

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