Chapter Twenty: Sombreros and Mustaches

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Milos POV
We've been searching for at least an hour and she was nowhere in sight.

Suddenly we were teleported in Lord Chaos's throne room. I scrambled up, looking around. It was dark, the only thing being seen was his legs and his bright golden eyes. The lights suddenly were put on full brightness and I blinked rapidly. When I adjusted I saw Aurelie curled up on his lap. The backpack was off to the side of the throne. He smirked and raised a brow.

"Well then, I would like to know what happened?" He said leaning back lazily in his throne.

"My Lord, we were fighting a Hydra when a Titan we were traveling with dissipated it. We didn't take into account Aurelie feelings. We are deeply sorry." Sullie says as he pulls me down into a bow. "Although, we must be off when Aurelie awakens." Why the heck is he talking so fancily? "We do not know the constraint we have pertaining to time." That makes no sense Sul.

"Gladly. It may take her a couple hours to wake up so I will prepare a room for you." We nodded, just wanting to lay down on a warm bed for a while. He led us to a room and we thanked him. Opening the door, we gawked.

"Sir... there's only one bed. Where's the other?"

He chuckles and steps out. "I'm the ruler of the universe, all knowing. I know what I'm doing." With that he pushed us inside and locked the door.

Sul sighed and threw his stuff on the bed and leans against the wall. "We need to analyze the prophecy before we can do anything about it." I nod and sit on the bed as well. "First, the threads of fate begin to unwind. It might mean that something is wrong with the fates, or either that something is wrong with fate itself. Now with the love of two can it once again bind, that's-"

"Obviously Aurelie and Lord Chaos." I put in. He stares at me for a moment frowning. We lock eyes, before he looks to the ground.

"...Right..." he shuffles his feet and sighs. "Then time itself will be a coin. Perhaps it's an actual coin.. or something that looks like a coin."

"Big Ben!" We both yell out. I grin and he drops his scowl. We grab our bags and sprint out of the room. At first I ran into the door because I forgot it was locked. A snort came from Sul and I grabbed my temples. Hands wrapped around mine and he looked at me worriedly. Hand grabbed my temple and rubbed soothingly. "Are you ok Milo? Where does it hurt?" He asked softly.

"My... my forehead." I whisper and he rubs it soothingly.

"Be more careful, ok?" He says and steps back. I nod and open the door. What just happened...? We sprinted down the halls and to the throne room.

"We need to go to London!" I yell as Lord Chaos was talking to some god or goddess. His head whipped around as he gave us a blank look.

"Two doors down in the left. If she gets hurt I will kill you painfully." With that we were off and down the hall, bursting through the door Aurelie was in.

"We need to go!" I say as she wakes up groggily.

"...what...?" She says as I throw her stuff in her bag.

"We've got a lead!" I say excitedly.

"No." Sul reprimands. "We have an idea of a lead. That's different." I roll my eyes playfully and Aurelie laughs.

"Same difference Sul. Come on A we gotta goooooo!" She pops up and stretches.

"Ok ok I'm going." She laughs as she hops out of bed. She grabs her bag and heads to the bathroom getting ready.

When she comes up we all hold hands as A and Sul teleport us to London.

We fall onto a roof with a thud. I cough as a hand helps pull me up.
I look to Sul and I smile as he nods his head.

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