Chapter Thirteen: My PANCAKES!?

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"Would you like some breakfast?" He asked. It was an uneventful morning. Chaos picked out an outfit for me. I put it on after he gave it to me, and went to my backpack that was magically transported here. I undid my braid, and the waves fell to my waist. I grabbed my backpack, and bounded over to Chaos. He grabbed my hand, and led me to a room with lots of people. I smiled brightly, food! Everyone stopped and turned to me, and I squeaked.

"You, get me a plate of pancakes." He said in a very stern voice. The person scurried away and came back moments later with a platter of pancakes and bowls of every side imaginable. I gasped with delight, and Chaos led me away. We came to the throne room, and a table was already there. I sat down, and Chaos sat the tray in front of me.

"Don't eat it too fast." He said sitting in his chair. It turned into a desk before my eyes and he worked on some paperwork. Oh boy, pancakes! I put strawberries and whipped cream on them, with sprinkles of course. I was about to take a bite when a boy fell on top of me. I squeaked, and managed to get,out of there. Nooooooo.

"My pancakes!" Chaos was in front of me in a moment. Two boys untangled themselves and awkwardly stood up.

"Hello! Im Milo and we're here to bring Aurelie to camp!" His smile never wavered.

"No. She is staying here."

"Wait, why do you need me?" I asked, coming from behind Chaos to stand next to him. He pulled me to his side in a protective manner.

"Chiron said something about a quest. I guess you me and grumpy pants over there are going on one." He shrugged.

"I freaking hate pancakes. And girls. I don't want to be here Milo!" He raged, death radiating off of him.

Oh come on Sullivan, you're fine! I'm so sorry that you got pancakes on your face."

"Hey those were my pancakes though!" I said, trying to sound brave.

"Ugh lets just get this over with." Sullivan pulled Milo down to the ground. "Lord Chaos, we hope you can entrust is with your mate. Anything that happens to her will be on our lives, and we will protect her until our deaths."

"What?! I didn't sign up for that! I bare;y passed sophomore year without dying!"

"Shut up Milo!"

"No, you shut up!"

"Enough!" Chaos roared. I dropped to my knees, but Chaos held me up. "If anything happens to her, you will pay dearly. Aurelie, be on your best behavior and don't do anything stupid."

"Ok! I will! Thank youuuuu!" I kissed him on the cheek and grabbed my backpack. Chaos snapped his hands, and I was put in jeans and a tee shirt with hiking boots, and a fleece around my waist.

"Here is a card. If anything costs drachmas then use this pouch. You will have more than enough. And I swear boys, if something happens to my mate, you will be dead." The boys shakily said yes and I smiled.

"Bye Chaos, what's your number?" We spent 5 minutes showing him how a phone works and how he can text me on it. He monster proofed it, I didn't know I had to do that. Ahah whoops.

I grabbed their arms and I shadow traveled to the big house. On the roof.

"What the heck girl?" Milo screamed.

"Oh my bad. I accidentally teleport here a lot haha." We climbed down, and landed right behind Rachel and Calypso.

"Hi guys!" I smiled.

Calypso about fainted. "Aurelie, are you alright? How did they not die?"

"Oh I'm not alright. I was eating pancakes and they ruined it. Even though it looks around 2 in the afternoon here. I'm all messed up."

Sullivan sighed in frustration. "Come on, what's your name? Whatever I don't care."

Milo kicked Sullivan in the shin. "Haha he's kidding, you're Aurelie right?"

"Yeah I am. Um who are you guys? I've only been gone for like 3 days."

"More like a month." Sullivan grumbled.

I tackled him. "What?" I said jumping up. Milo was laughing his butt off. Sullivan tackled Milo and they both went down.

"Haha but what? Man time is way different where I was. Where was I exactly?" I said as we started walking to nowhere in particular.

"I don't really know. Sullivan and I came here together a couple weeks ago. We just figured out we're going on a quest!"

I was about to say something, but was interrupted by so,done kicking me from behind. Sullivan caught me, and looked at the person who kicked me.

"It's Clarisse." I whispered.

Milo shouted, "Hey, what the heck was that for?" He growled, pushing Clarisse back with water, grabbing her by the ankles and pulling her upside down.

"Hey, a drachma!" I reached down and grabbed it. Sullivan was deep in thought.

"Milo! Put. Her. Down." I looked over and saw Percy.

"OhmygoshPercyareyouok? Im so so so sorry about what happened, I really didn't mean it! I can kind of control my powers now, so that's good. These are my new friends over here, they were protecting me from Clarisse." I smiled. I brought out a sword and showed him. "Look, I can do it without going all power crazy. This woman named Hecate helped me control my powers."

Sullivan pulled me away, mumbling about stupid girls and stupid guys.

Milo caught up to us. "So what godly parent do you have?"

"Oh my dads name is Ares. Have you heard of him?" I saw Sullivan stiffen, and I gave him a questioning look. "Hey you kind of look like Nico! Where is Nico? NICOOOOOOOO!" I yelled. He came running, you could see him in the distance. "Hey look there he is!" I waved my arms, making sure he knew it was me.

"Hey, Aurelie, long time no see!" He said giving me a high five. Milo and Sullivan has their mouths agape, but Nico sent them a silencing glare.

What's up with that?

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