Chapter 44

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Short chapter ? Sure !

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Short chapter ? Sure !


Over the summer, Bella and I began packing up our things and shipping them off to the P.O. box we set up in New Haven bit by bit. Bella wouldn't take off work, but that was fine. She worked almost every day until it was time for us to leave. She wanted to save money, to help with the furniture and groceries, and to have some put away in case she needed or wanted something.

She quickly learned helping me with rent wasn't an option. I used the money my parents had put away for me to pay for the first year up front. However, my parents and Charlie together replaced that money, saying that our apartment would be paid by them, as a graduation present for us both. To help us with the financial struggles we would be sure to face over the next year. I appreciated it greatly, as did Bella.

When we arrived back in New Haven, we picked up the things we had mailed to ourselves from the post office and brought it back to our home. We had stopped by a furniture store and picked out what we wanted, paying for it to be delivered the next day. For tonight, we would be sleeping on an air mattress in our bedroom.

We unpacked what little we could, though there was a lot we couldn't touch until our furniture got delivered. Of course there was no way of cooking anything tonight, we didn't have any dishes nor did we have any food. We were supposed to be going tomorrow to get everything else that we needed.

I know we had a lot of work to do, however, the idea of doing this all with Bella was so exciting to me. She was who I wanted to build a life with, and it felt like we were actually starting.

We ordered pizza that night, and Bella insisted we have hot wings as well. Not something she went for often, but when she had a craving for it, that was it. I ordered for delivery, and turned to Bella once I hung up.

"What should we do while we wait?" I ask curiously, placing my hands on her hips.

She thinks for a moment and shrugs, "well, what we can put away is put away, our air mattress has been blown up, there's nothing to do but eat and sleep." She says.

"Well, there is one thing that can keep us occupied." I said, she arched her eyebrow, and I immediately knew what she was thinking. "Not that." She giggled, "keep your mind out of the gutter, Swan." I teased.

"Well, what did you have in mind?" She asked, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it quickly.

I opened up my playlist and clicked on one of one of Bella's favorite songs. Silhouette by Aquilo. I pulled her into my arms and took in her beautiful smile before I began moving. We danced around our empty living room, and I continuously stole kisses, against her lips, on her chin, down her neck.

The song changed to Sugar, by maroon 5, and our moods changed with it. She became a giggling, playful little minx. I spun her around in circles and pulled her close to my chest as we sang the song together. Her fingers gripped the front of my shirt and she tipped her head back swaying to the beat as she sang along.

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