Chapter 31

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Edward's POV;

The next morning I awoke, my computer was still laying next to me, my first sight was Bella's sleeping face. I knew she wasn't going to be awake for a while yet, as she was 3 hours behind me. It was 9:50AM where I was, and 6:50AM where she was. I wasn't sure what I was doing awake yet, either.

I sat up on the bed and stretched, wondering what to do. I need to get ready for the day, but I didn't want to hang up on Bella. I kind of hoped to be there when she woke up. Grabbing my computer, I stood up and walked to the table on the other side of my hotel room, which is where I placed the computer while I went to get ready.

I brought my phone with me and put on some music while I was in the bathroom. I shaved first, cleaning out the sink when I finished. Then I got my shower. When I got out, I dried off and got dressed. As usual, I left my hair alone. There really wasn't much I could do with it - unless I shaved it. The idea flashed through my mind for a brief moment, and then I shook my head. Hell no. I wouldn't shave my head for no amount of money in the world.

I remember when someone told my mother to shave my head as preteen. Her response still makes me laugh - 'you convince that boy to shave his head and I will PAY you a million dollars.' I shook my head. I could go for a trim though.

I left the bathroom once I finished getting ready and called Kate. Might as well get as much time with my friends as I could while I was here. It rang a couple of times and then she answered.

"Edward," she answered. "Hey. You ready to come over?"

"No, I'm not." I answered, wanting to avoid that as long as I could. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go get breakfast - my treat."

"Uh," she paused for a moment and I heard her move in the background, she said something to someone and then brought the phone back to her ear. "That sounds great."

"Is this a bad time?" I asked.

"No, it's fine." She answered. "I need to talk with you privately anyway."

"Alright, meet me here? You already know where my room is," I added at the end.

"Sure, yeah. See you soon."

I hung up, and heard a sigh from my computer. I walked over to it and sat down just as Bella began to wake up. When her eyes finally opened all the way she seemed disoriented. It was a moment later that she finally focused in on me.

"Hello, Mr. Cullen." her voice was groggy, and I smiled softly.

"Morning, gorgeous." I answered her. She rested her head back again.

"You're already dressed," she pouted.

"Yeah, I'm going out for breakfast with Kate." I explained.

"The boyfriend stealer?" Her voice was teasing, I rolled my eyes.

"You're up early." I observed.

"I had a bad dream," she admitted.

"You want to talk about it?"

"No, not really."

We sat there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, and then she moved suddenly, sitting up, she pulled her computer onto her lap.

"You're going back to see Tanya again today, right?" She asked.


"How do you feel about that?" She looked up at me, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Fine," I lied.

"Do you enjoy being back there? With her?"

I laughed.

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