Chapter 8

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As per request of the good doctor, I was back at it again the next morning, though I considered saying i was sick and staying home for the day, but i could recall once telling my father i was sick and staying home from school, in elementary, and when he found out i had faked to get out of going, he never let me stay home after for 4 years. I wasn't about to make that mistake again.

The morning seemed to drag on even before i got to school, and in my mind all i could think about was him. I was nervous. I ran through every possible scenerio in my head, I have strategized ways to avoid him throughout the day but i knew no matter how hard I tried, I'd eventually have to face him.

So, I pulled up to the school, to see my friends gathered in their normal spot. I could stick by them, perhaps? I doubt he would persue me with my friends all with me. Oh, wait. My friends don't even know yet.

I opened the door of my loyal truck, hopping down from the slight lift and grabbing my bag off the seat, before shutting the door behind me once again. I turned towards our spot to catch Alice's relieved expression before she came running to me, Rosalie following right behind her, they came to me at full speed, damn near knocking me on the ground.

"Geez." I gasped as I wrapped my arms around them, using them both as weights to support myself before i fell.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Bella!" Alice choked out, causing me to pull back and narrow my eyes. Is she for real crying right now?

"Oh, God, why are you crying?" I muttered horrified, I am truly terrible in these situations.

"What happened to you yesterday?" Alice asked.

"The new kid." i replied simply, looking over my shoulder.

"Did he hurt you?" Rosalie finally piped up, sounding angry.

"No, just took me by surprise." I whispered, as if someone cared enough to listen in on our conversations.

"Well?" Alice replied, crossing her arms.

"Let's just say I don't want to be here," I clicked my teeth together once "I don't want to see him, and lets leave it at that."

The bell rang loudly over the crowd and the girls graciously accepted my explanation, though I knew they would grill me later for more details. They took off back to their boyfriends before scurrying off to homeroom while I stood, needing a moment, I was never late for class and its because I hate the thought - but today I didn't care. I was a nervous wreck.

From across the lot, I could see the silver volvo pull in, and my breath caught, I stood frozen as i watched his door open. He seemed as distraught and far gone as me. I watched as he rubbed his eyes, and steadied himself with a breath before taking off into the school. I noticed he didn't notice me standing there. And I wondered what he had to be so distraught about.

Part of me wanted to go ask if he wanted to skip, to sit and talk and make him feel better, but, I was still afraid if the mere thought of being face to face with him, so crossing my arms over my stomach, I cast my eyes down, and began towards the school.

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