Chapter 33

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Warning ; Heavy sexual content in the end of this chapter. Sorry not sorry. Also didn't check for any mistakes, so forgive me. Haha. Also, this chapter is garbage. I'm SORRY for that.

Bella's POV ;

My head was spinning when I left the diner, having spoken to Edward, hearing what he had to say. I trembled the entire drive home, I was battling with myself. I didn't know if I could believe that all this was simply because of an obsession Edward's childhood best friend had of him. If this all has been a misunderstanding, what does it say for us? Could I trust him? I mean, I was so quick to assume he was guilty this time that I ended our relationship for God's sake. Why was I so quick to believe he was guilty? Why am I so hesitant to believe he could be telling the truth?

I was no closer to making a decision when I got back to my house, I didn't know what to feel, besides sad. Either way, I had a reason to be sad. If it was true, then he betrayed me, and the pain I have felt since yesterday is only going to get worse. If he was being honest with me, then I chose to believe some random girl over my boyfriend, who I love, without truly even talking to him. How could I forgive myself for that? How could he forgive me for the unnecessary pain I've put us both through? Is that why I'm so hesitant to believe him?

I decided to try working out some thoughts in the shower, as it is one of the places I get the most thinking done. That didn't work out for me, my mind was still a jumble when I got out. I took my time, french braiding my damp hair, and got dressed in comfortable clothing. Black yoga pants and a plain purple tee. Then I started pacing, a nervous habit I had only recently developed. I found myself walking from my room, downstairs, through the living room, the kitchen, and back. I had made that circuit a few times before it clicked that what I was doing was absolutely idiotic.

I was in the kitchen when I stopped again, I grabbed a can of coke from the fridge and sat down, placing my phone face down on the table next to me. I watched out the window as cars passed by, splashing water when they drove through the large puddles surrounding the road. It was becoming clear that I didn't know how to work this out on my own. My mind was stuck on the argument, that the truth was that I didn't know what was the truth.

He said he had proof. Part of my mind was trying to rationalize. But, is there not a chance he could have fabricated it? No. I don't think he would. I don't even think he could. Who would have helped him? Also, it isn't like you could mistake Kate's nasally voice. She talked like she was mid orgasm, I think she thought it was a turn on or something, I personally found it disgusting. It made me wonder why Edward was friends with her for so long.

I could just ask to hear the proof. He got it for a reason, right? To show me that what he was saying is true. It's just ... if I listen to it, I mean, if I have to, it's just saying even further that I don't trust him. I already said that by leaving him, if I decided to get back together with him, I would have to trust him - I'd have to do it without seeing the video.

I feel absolutely ridiculous. I'm a plain jane no matter how you look at me, and this incredible, loving, handsome man is fighting to be with me, because he loves me. What I said to him earlier had been the truth. There is no way that I could look back over our relationship and believe he didn't love me with every bit of his heart. That's one thing I know, one thing you couldn't convince me of otherwise.

So, the question remained.

Why would he cheat on me if he loved me so much? Answer? I don't think he would. So, there it was, the truth, all laid out in my head. I don't believe it's true that he would cheat on me. I don't know why I was so quick to believe it yesterday. My phone dinged at that moment, telling me I had a message on facebook. I don't know who would be messaging me there, everyone important has my cell number, and knows to reach me on there.

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