Chapter 29

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Edwards POV ;

The day started off incredibly. My Bella had woken up before my alarm and shut it off, instead waking me with kisses. I could get used to that kind of wakeup call. We had shared a shower together and then left my house, I had grabbed my suitcase on the way out.

I had insisted we go to the airport in my car, and then have her take my car home, using it for herself in the days I was gone just as she had when I was off school for a week. I was very comforted with the idea that while I was gone she wouldn't be driving that horrid truck. I always feared her getting into an accident.

There was so much about this trip that was making me feel anxious, I didn't need to worry about the truck to. Of course, I would still be worried about Bella at every turn.

I wonder if Bella ate enough today? I wonder if Bella got enough sleep? I wonder if Bella is content? I wonder if Bella is okay? I wonder if Bella misses me? I wonder what Bella could be doing right now? I wonder if the guys at school were brave enough to approach Bella while I'm gone?

They better fucking not. Cause, I'll know, and I will straight up murder over my girl. They don't want to try me. Don't even look at her you sleazy fuckboy, her boyfriend is crazy and will mess you up.

I should have made a shirt for her.

'Warning ; Flirt at your own risk, my boyfriend is crazy and totally in love with me, he will kill you.' I laughed, we were currently at a red light, and Bella's gaze flickered over to me. 

"What?" She asked.

"If someone flirts with you I will do life in prison."

"What?" She repeated, grinning this time, "Where did that even come from?"

"Just thinking," I replied, drumming my fingers over my steering wheel. The light turned green, and I proceeded.

"About people flirting with me?" She asked.


She giggled. "No one was interested in me before you came, no one will be interested in me while you're gone?"

I felt my eyes bug.

"Are you mad, woman?" I asked, glancing over at her quickly to judge her level of sincerity. She was dead serious.


"You're the hottest girl in the school," I told her, "believe me when I tell you that you have your choice of the male population at Forks High."

"You have to say that, you're my boyfriend." She rolled her eyes.

"First of all, babe, I don't have to say anything," I teased, "second of all, I'm not joking, why do you think I'm so intensely jealous?"

She shrugged.

"Cause any guy would snap you up in a heartbeat if I'm not careful." I told her.

"Well, how about this," she said, as we parked in front of a small cafè, and she took off her seatbelt. She moved onto her hands and knees, suddenly inches from my face, "I don't want anyone but you."

"You mean that?" I grinned.

"I do,"

"You better."

She kissed me on the lips, and pulled back, opening the door, she went to get out of the car, I smacked her behind as she climbed out and heard her gasp.

I had to admit, even I was surprised I had just done that. She looked at me, surprised, but with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?"

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