Chapter 28

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Against my will, Alice and Rosalie got me ready for Valentine's  - which, by the way, Edward did plan for. I didn't  know what we were doing, just that I'm doing something on this commercial "holiday".

However, it wasn't all that bad. Spending time with the man I love? How could I complain?

"Just think of it as any other date," he had told me, brushing my hair behind my ear. "We will be going on many of those,it shouldn't mean anything different just because it's valentines day."

Of course, he had been right. That is what I kept in my mind as we went through the motions of the night. Despite my predjudices of the holiday, I was crazy happy at every turn. He made me feel so special. Starting off the night at an insanely romantic restaurant, the whole night he planned was all about me. I actually felt guilty for trying to prevent it from happening, he seemed to love showering me with love and attention. I loved it more than I thought I would.

We were now walking hand in hand along the pier, staring out at the sand and water in front of us. The salty smell of the ocean was soothing as we spoke of our lives. Our hopes - our family, what we planned with our lives. Our lives.

"So, where will we be in ten years?" He questioned, tugging on my hand so I was closer to him. "Where is it you want to live?"

"Well," I started, tipping my head back against his shoulder, "I was thinking somewhere sunny, my mom was born in Arizona, she moved to Forks when she was young, but still visited home every summer, I think I'd like to go back there, get to know more of that side of my family, learn more about my mom, who she was."

He looked down at me, a slight frown on his perfect face.

I shrugged. "I don't know about living there, I don't know about living anywhere further than Seattle. I'm just not comfortable with it for some reason."

"Well, I mean.." he paused, letting my hand go, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me flush against him, he leaned in, pressing his forehead to mine. "This is your home, Bella. I get you not wanting to leave it."

"What about you?" I questioned, he pulled back to study my face, his eyebrows pulled together as he stared down at me.

"I thought it was obvious,"

"What was?"

"I am wherever you are."

"Edward, that's crazy." I pulled back from him a little bit. He groaned in protest, but dropped his hands.

"What? You don't want to be stuck with me?" His voice was teasing, but even still, I looked away, hiding my frown.

He was silent for a moment.

"Is that it?" He asked, the hurt in his voice causing me to look up at him.

"Of course not."

"Then what?" The hurt on his face was replaced by a look fueled by curiosity.

"I'm not going to hold you back from anything," I told him. "You're extraordinary, you can do so much. You're really willing to throw that away for me?"

"No." He sighed, the corner of his lip turning up to a sexy smirk. "I just don't want to be extraordinary without you. I don't think it's even possible."

"What about sowing your oats? Finding out who you are? And don't you have a specific place in mind? A dream school?" I asked, reached up, running my fingers through his soft bronze hair.

"I can go to any school, Bella. I know what I want to be and who I am, I don't need to have that phase in college that everyone else does, I don't need to drink, I don't need a new girl every night. I don't need to sow any oats. I have every thing I want right here, I don't want to get out of class and go to some dumb frat party, so I can wake up to some random girl in the morning. I want to leave class and go to my home that I share with my beautiful girlfriend. The one and only girl that I need. That's who I want to wake up to every morning. You. You make me extraordinary."

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