Chapter 30

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Edward's POV ;

"Well, let's get this over with." I began up the steps to the house and wrapped my hand around the door handle.

"Wait, Edward! There's something you need to know about Tanya befo-"

But, she was too late. The door was opened, and I was met by a terrible nightmare.

"Edward!" Squealed an all too familiar voice, a voice that caused my stomach to churn and twist in the most uncomfortable way.

Seeing her face was like being in hell. She had haunted my dreams for so long now that actually seeing her was like a knife to the gut. She was running toward me, and I could feel myself start trembling.

I was terrified.

She threw her arms around my shoulders, squeezing me as tight as she could manage. I held my arms out and tensed, hoping Tanya or one of the people surrounding me would realize I was uncomfortable.

Help me! I screamed internally. All I wanted in that moment was Bella, part of me waited to see her come around a corner, to force Tanya off of me and reclaim her rightful spot by my side. However, I knew she wasn't going to save me this time.

"I missed you, baby." Tanya murmured, turning her head up, she tried to kiss me.

"Jesus!" I gasped, moving my hand from my side I placed the palm of my hand over her face, pushing her back. She staggered back and looked at me confused through the spaces between my fingers, I removed my hand from her face.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"Are you out of your mind?" I demanded. "You re-"

"He had a long flight," Kate piped up from behind me. "Also, he missed Valentine's while on his trip, he wanted to show me what he got for you."

"What?" I was truly confused. What the actual hell was happening?!

"Come on, Edward." Kate said, gripping my hand, she led me to the stairs, we walked to the second floor and entered her bedroom.

Once we got there, she sat on her bed, and watched me for a few minutes while I paced. 

"What the hell was that?" I demanded.

"Oh, relax," she rolled her eyes. "I know you don't actually have a present for her."

"Oh, you do!" I said with mock relief. "Thank the lord, oh my soul! Just as long you know I don't actually have a present. Cause, that's the only problem with this situation. So glad we have that cleared up."

"Drama queen."


"Tanya doesn't remember.. a lot." Kate murmured.

"She's crazy!" I gasped. "How did she even get out of prison?"

"She pleaded insanity, did some time, then she got out, once she got home, she reverted back to a previous mind state. I spoke to a professional, she said while its not common it's not unheard of, she just blocked out all the bad, she still does community service but she thinks it's volunteer work." Kate tried to explain to me.

"And this has to do with me, why?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"In her mind these past four years never happened. In her mind she never did drugs, you never broke up with her, and she didn't try to kill you. She thinks you've been on vacation and that's why you haven't been around." She told me. "In her mind, she is innocent."

"But she is not innocent." I growled.

"She doesn't know that!" Kate whisper-yelled.

"And no one thought to tell her?" I demanded.

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