Chapter 25

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The nurse had been quick in taking Bella's blood, and when she had left, there wasn't much said between the two of us. I held her and silently rubbed her back until she fell into a deep slumber.

Bella sleeps like she's dead, that's one of the many things I've learned about her in the short time we had been together. Of course that got me thinking, of everything else I've learned about her since I found her. Quietly, I pulled away from her and left the room, I walked quickly to my fathers office and lightly tapped on the door.

"Come in." I heard his voice from the other side, I opened the door and poked my head in.

"Hey." I said casually, before walking into the room the rest of the ways.

"Edward." My fathers voice was coloured with surprise. "I didn't think you were going to leave Bella today."

"I didn't want to, I was just..." I trailed off for a moment, before looking down to the floor and continuing slowly, "I was just wondering if you had a spare notebook and pen."

There was silence for a minute, and I knew what he was thinking of. When everything began with Tanya I had severe issues with depression and anxiety, i would spend hours writing and making lists to distract myself from the inevitable darkness that loomed over me. It worked for a while... until that night. I haven't done it since.

He opened his drawer and looked around before hauling out a black notebook, he quickly opened it up and checked to see if there was anything in it before passing it over to me, along with a pen that had his name and number engraved in the side of it.

"I think a bit of therapeutic writing could do some good for you right now." He mumbled.

"Yeah," I sighed, shutting my eyes. "Have you heard anything yet?"

"Not yet, the second I know something, you'll know, I promise." I nodded at his reassurance before looking out at him.

"Best case scenario?" I questioned.

"She had a lot on her mind, she was stressing out, it overwhelmed her, and her body just shut down for a bit to recharge." He answered quickly. "It happens more than you would think."

"Worst case scenario?" I questioned again.

He took a deep breath and looked up at me, but his lips didn't move to answer me.

"Dad, please" I whispered, "I'm drowning here."

"I wish you would have used protection." He murmured, his eyes staying firm on mine.

"I fucked up." I sighed. My rules for not swearing in front of my father had gone. I knew it was disrespectful, I guess I purposely gave him something else to be angry about. Because I deserved it.

"Yes, you did." He said, glancing down at his desk, I was surprised he didn't mention my stepping out of line, as he did the first and last time I cursed when I was a child. Of course, back then I wasn't aware I would get in trouble for saying 'bastard'.

"There's one more thing, we didn't mention." I paused, glancing back towards the door, avoiding my fathers eyes. "When we were camping Bella and I got into an argument and I left her alone, when I went back to talk to her, she was gone. We found her in the woods, unconscious. She was really cold. I carried her back and warmed her up by holding her. She seemed fine though, in the morning."

He stayed silent for a minute, and I didn't dare look back to see the expression on his face. I could hear the seconds painfully tick by as they turned into minutes, after about three long painful minutes, my father finally spoke.

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