Please read, friends💖💖

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Okay you guys so...
I've been getting a lot of... opinions of "Chapter 18". I'm quite sad to say a lot of people are actually pissed at me for doing a chapter with sexual content. However, I am overwhelmed with happiness that so many of you liked it! I admit, whenever I had a notification that I had a comment on that chapter I got pretty crippled with anxiety. I almost convinced myself not to read them. I was afraid the backlash would make me not want to write anymore. I DID get backlash, (yes, I got all the hateful messages.) however, the positive feedback over weighed it completely! I had decided I wasn't going to do more smut chapters, in fact, I had that put in the beginning of the next chapter (which SHOULD be ready to upload by tomorrow) but then, I realized how much I enjoyed writing it. I feel no shame. To those angry I didn't stick to the original twilight, well, that's why it's called a fan fiction. But I hope you don't hate me or stop reading cause I love ALL you guys,YOU are what makes writing worth it. Even the people who just read to hate, cause there is something keeping you reading, and you inspire me just as much as everyone who positively encourages me each chapter. I LOVE writing, and I love every single one of you who reads my story. Hell, I love all people who read in general. You're part of keeping my favourite thing in the world alive! So yes, this is a thank you to everyone who encourages me and continues to read even through the shitty boring chapters and when I piss them off. It is also a PSA saying that there will be more sexual content as the story goes on, but I hope none of you give up on me.

Love you all, and hopefully, see you all TOMORROW with a new chapter.

Ever After |all human| COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz