Mehul poured a drink for Arjun, "what were you thinking? Why'd you get her here?" 

"What do you mean" Arjun asked cluelessly

"I thought you were going to kick her out, what happened to the contract and stuff"

"I don't know actually, I guess we don't need it any more" Grinned Arjun 

"We, oh my god, please don't tell me you're in love with her or something"

"I like her, It's too early for love" Arjun poured his heart out as he held the glass with his drink

"I don't know what to say, except beware, you just made it easier for her to rob you off your wealth" 

Arjun took a sip while looking at Diya who was having a laugh with Vanya surrounded by a few other people, "The only thing she's robbing me off is my sanity" Arjun added thoughtfully

"Saala Romeo" Mehul muttered and gave Arjun a smug look, Arjun smiled back to his best friend

Meanwhile as Diya helped herself with a drink where no one was around, she felt a familiar face stare at her. She jogged her memory to place this face, a moment later she recognized it, It was Aanchal Vashishth. 

The group then assembled together for dinner, Arjun who was laughing at a joke that Anish had just cracked, noticed Diya enter the drawing room, tagging along with Vanya. He couldn't get over the fact that she looked so sexy in that dress. He felt like he was being watched and turned to look away only to spot another pair of eyes in the room looking at him. He felt uncomfortable and turned his gaze, laughing along with the boys unaware of even what the joke was. 

After dinner, the entire crowd sat together. Mehul and natasha, sat extremely closely, while the other couples were scattered around hear and there. They went on laughing about various things. Diya soon became comfortable enough to take part in the conversations and pleased everyone with her wit and humor, much to Aanchal's chagrin who seemed so annoyed right now that she could blow the entire room away with her anger.

Diya got up again, to refill her drink, she was only going with coke because she had a little excessive intake of alcohol last night. She heard footsteps behind her and didn't really care to notice. 

"So you're Diya Gupta, Arjun's wife" Said a condescending voice from the background

Diya stopped pouring coke in her glass and turned around to notice who it was, "ahaha, yeah" she grinned awkwardly before processing who it was. 

"So you're the woman they replaced his run away fiancee with?"

"Pardon me!" Diya said, caught off guard

"Oh please, you don't expect me to believe your 'love story', do you?" the woman added haughtily

"Why not?" Diya asked trying to make sense of the scenario

"Oh darling, that's because I know his taste" Said the woman in a tone full of arrogance, ", and it couldn't be you, for sure" She added with more impact, scanning Diya up and down, making her insecure about herself. 

Diya couldn't deal with the arrogance anymore, her ego had been bruised, she picked herself together and with a little bit of innocence and arrogance she said, "oh, but that's not what Arjun moans for, every single night" 

splash! Aanchal's wine glass was empty, while a wide eyed Diya gaped, she could feel droplets of wine move from between her breast. The entire room's eyes turned to them, Arjun realized what had happened and ran to Diya, followed by vanya who picked up a few paper napkins on the way.

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