"Are you going to throw that in my face every time I make you mad?"

He chuckled. "You don't make me mad."

"Yes I do. You hate me for no reason and I don't fucking get it..." I spat turning my entire body in his direction. I wanted to get a answer out of him. He had no reason not to like me and It shouldn't bother me that he doesn't but it does.

"I don't hate you."

"Yes you do! I touch you and you cringe. You hate me!"

He grabbed my the side of my face and gently nudged my attention to him. His hands were surprisingly soft and warm and so was his touch.

He stared into my eyes and I was fighting not to drop my gaze to his lips. They were inches away from mine.

"I definitely don't hate you." He said softly before dropping his hand. "You just get on my nerves."

I stayed silent. What was up with that?

Freckles is so weird for doing that. It just confused me. How can he be so hot and cold? He almost seemed as if he was nice for a second.

"Are you mean because your injured? Or are you just mean in general?"

He shrugged just as the door on the wall in front of us opened. A tall blonde nurse in scrubs poked her head out and smiled.

"Johnson?" He nodded and stood up.

"I don't want you sitting out here alone so come on." I grabbed my purse and followed him behind the door.

They put us in a empty room and he laid back on the examination table, staring at the ceiling above him.

"You look uncomfortable." I mumbled.

"I'm not."

I nodded. "You nervous?"

"Kyra! Seriously, shut up! You always asking me shit! Why the fuck would I be nervous?" He spat harshly.

I slowly dragged my eyes up to his face. I've never met someone who can hurt my feelings so easily.

I've always been the one that was tough as a nail. If I wasn't, I wouldn't stand up to my father the way I do. With Freckles, it's not the same.

The coldness in his voice makes me feel like a small child being scolded by their parent. He had the ability to belittle me and I didn't like that.

"Big  CJ." The doctor said smiling as he walked in. Freckles laughed and shook his hand.

He looked like he was in his mid forties. His gray hair was coming in, but it only appeared to have grown in on the sides, almost as if it was on purpose.

Cam had have to have known him personally because of how they interacted. They were more than polite, it was like they were old friends which couldn't be the case with the difference in age.

"Oh, sorry. I'm rude." He chuckled looking at me.

"This your lady Cam?"

Cameron laughed as if it was a joke and waved him off. "Nah."

My eyes dropped to my lap. I felt irritated. I realize he doesn't like me, but he takes every given chance to let me know.

The rest of his appointment consisted of his doctor performing several test and check ups on Freckles to make sure he was healing correctly and even when they were done, I didn't speak to him.

I was still tired and if he wanted me to be quiet so bad, I'd stop talking. I'm glad tonight is the last night I would be staying with him. He was driving me insane at a deathly slow pace and I was realizing how stupid I looked and it was making me angry.

Kyra (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن