Chapter 38

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I'd been trying to figure out how I can get Maddie to find me.

When I saw her come by, I threw some piece of metal at her. I really hope it wasn't once part of any of us.

The metal hit her leg, reminding me of the night Freddy almost killed her by stuffing her into a suit.

That's all over now.

When Maddie looked around to try and find out where it came from, I waved my hook through the doorway.

Maddie instantly ran into the room and hugged me.

"Foxy, I've missed you so much." She cried tears of joy. The only tears I ever want her to cry.

"I missed you too."

Freddy's eyes lit up and he approached our hug.

I growled at him, waiting for him to attack. He just stood there, a strange emotion inside of him.

"Well, Freddy. What are you going to do about this?" I asked.

He just sat back down, not saying a word.

There's something different about him...

"Why didn't he try to do anything?" Maddie asked.

"I don't know. We have decided to work together, so that might be it."

"I guess so." Maddie didn't care much. As long as we had each other in our arms, nothing else really mattered.

Something grabbed Maddie and violently pulled her away. She tried to hold on to me, but she couldn't.

"Freddy, stop!" I said, assuming it was him.

I saw something red glow, and Maddie was pulled out of the room.

I realized that it wasn't Freddy when I saw a shade of purple on the arms pulling Maddie away.

"Bonnie?" I ran after him, ignoring the kids watching us. Maddie is more important. She's my everything.

I watched as Mangle climbed on the ceiling and chased after Bonnie.

We ended up chasing Bonnie into another supply closet.

Mangle tried to leap at him, but she was tackled by something. I couldn't see exactly who it was, but I knew after seeing a little bit of blue.

"Bonnie, why are you doing this? You helped me find her."

"Because, she was the one who got us replaced. I just pretended like she didn't so I could 'take care of her' later. Freddy didn't believe me anymore. You turned him against me."

I heard Mangle getting torn apart by the blue bunny. I ran over to help her, but Bonnie held me back.

"He's just doing what every kid does. He's just having fun."

I got mad at Bonnie and tried to claw her with my hook, but he could easily dodge.

Maddie tried to attack Bonnie, but he hit her away. She hit her head on something and didn't move.

I watched painfully as Mangle was torn apart, slowly dying.

Then, something grabbed her.

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