chapter 28

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It's been three weeks since we got married and became the king and the queen. Merlin broke the curse that was placed on me. I was sleeping peacefully when I felt the urge to pee. I got off the bed carefully not waking up zeldris. I walked to the bathroom and did my things. After that I felt a liquid calming down between my legs. I felt a pain in my stomach and screamed. In an instant zeldris came running to me.

"Lena what's wrong" he asked worried "I think the water broke" I said in pain. Zeldris carried me bridal style to the infirmary. Kaida saw this and stood up and told zeldris to place me in the bed. "She is labour about to give birth" kaida said. She told me to keep my legs on either side of the bed and put a piece of cloth to cover me.

Zeldris held my hand tightly while he was rubbing his thumbs around my hand. "Ok push" kaida instructed. I did what she told me and pushed. The whole room was filled with scream that the whole castle can hear. I pushed a few more till I heard a baby's cry in the room. Kaida took the baby and cleaned it up then she walked to us smiling. "Its a boy" she said smiling.

She handed the baby to me and I looked  at it smiling. The baby opened his eyes. He had emerald eyes with black hair and he looked exactly like zeldris. "He looks like you" I said smiling. I handed the baby to him and he took it in his arms. "What do you want to name him" kaida asked "tristan" I said and zeldris nodded. "Beautiful name" kaida said. She left the room "rest" zeldris said and I nodded. I drifted to sleep.

By the time i woke up i heard some voices in the room. "It looks exactly like zeldris" a female voice said "what's his name" a male voice asked "tristan" I said "did we wake you up" elizabeth asked "no. Its ok" I said and they sighed then tristan cried. "Bring him here" I said and zeldris handed the baby to me. I rocked him back and forth whispering sweet things to Tristan and he stopped crying.

"How did you do that" zeldris asked "was he crying earlier" I asked him and he nodded. "Am I allowed to leave this room" I asked "yes you are but you need to rest" kaida said and I nodded. Everyone left the room and I wored the cloth she handed to me which was black knee length outfit with sandals.

 Everyone left the room and I wored the cloth she handed to me which was black knee length outfit with sandals

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We left the room and went to the nursery that was infront of our room. We entered the room and zeldris looked at it in awe. "Oh yeah I got this room ready when you were not around" I said and he smiled. I feed tristan then we left the room and went to our room. Ofcourse zeldris would came and check on him once in a while while I rest.

(This is the room)

In the evening I went in the room to check up on tristan

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In the evening I went in the room to check up on tristan. I feed him and changed his diaper and put a new one on him while reading a book for him and playing around with him till I felt arms been wrapped around my waist. I knew who it was and I just smiled. "Am happy to be a father and I will protect you and tristan" zeldris said smiling while I was holding the baby in my arms.

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