chapter 10

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lena pov
the time i woke up i was laying in my side of the bed and felt someone playing with my hair. i turned around to face him only for him to kiss my forehead. "i have a meeting today" he said and i nodded "i will not be with you till afternoon and after that you can have all my attention" zeldris said and i nodded.
he got off the bed and change into a black shirt with a marron quarter pants and white boots. he had a strap that hold his sword on his hips. he had a cloves reaching his elbows then he left the room.
i got off the bed and took my cloth then went to take shower. after that i changed into a black shorts, blue shirt with black leather jacket and white boots.i put my headphones around my neck. i walked out of the room into the hallway. i tried to remember which way was to the library. as i was walking i heard a voice calling me "lady lena" a male voice said. i turned around and saw two demons walking toward me. one was a female. she had an orange spiky hair. she was toned and she was naked but the darkness was covering her body. "i see you must be lady lena" the girl said "umm do you mind telling me where the library was" i asked "this way. am monspiet" the male said he had on a cloak but it seem he was shirtless and he had a green buttoms. "am derieri" the girl said .
they lead the way to the library and informed me that they are the ones guarding me. "lady lena if you need anything please asked" monspiet said and i nodded "are you hungry" derieri said "kinda" i said while looking away in embarassment. "i will sent a guard to bring it" derieri said but she was cut off by zeldris caming in and he grabed my hand. "we need to leave now" he said and i was confused till the door was broken and zeldris was held by a green thing. "monspiet take lena away from here thats an order" zeldris said and monspiet nodded. he picked me up but him and derieri was captured by the green thing. "am glad to see you unharmed princess" merlin said smiling at me. "lets go home" diane said hugging me "am not going and that isnt my home" i said shocking everyone "listen lena what he told you is all lies" diane said "and am not going to a place where they will use me" i said "what no one will use you" king said "you dont know me very well but they are my step family and that doesnt mean i will go back to the human clan" i said till cusack apeared smiling at me "am glad to see you are very loyal to your mate" cusack said "you guys need to understand this. i have a family that was waiting for me for a whole seventeen years" i said "what do you mean" escanor asked "its a long story if you want to hear it then listen but if you are taking her back then be my guest" a female voice said "kimiko werent you suppose to hide" i asked "yeah but princess i will do the explaining part" she said and i nodded. everyone was terrified of her "she is a monster" diane said scared "she isnt. she is the one that look after me" i said "it all started seventeen years ago when lena was born. that bastard that you called king went to the nine witches and asked them to put a spell on lena" kimiko said "a spell? what kind is it" merlin asked "am very sorry but it is a strong one" kimiko said "a spell that binded my life with the one of trigon" i said looking down "trigon you mean" cusack asked "yes. he was my grandfather" i said "when they put that spell on lena and that spell make the mother weak that when he decided to attack her. he didnt kill her but kept her, her sister rachel, rachel's husband alpha klaus, and her daughters, astrid and hester" kimiko said "all races use to live together till trigon ruined the moment. for centuries many people lost their lives on the line of protecting the ones they care. he wanted to bring darkness to this world and destroy the demon race. the humans had hatered for the demons but those step family of mine and that bastard along with vivian and hendrickson want me to came back to use me" i said "she is the key of bringing him back to this world and she can destroy him" kimiko said "that means she isnt" king began and i cut him off "am not a human but am a hybrid. a demon, goddess and vampire" i said "but we cant go back there without her" escanor said "just say she is dead. i want to see who they will use to bring him to this world" i said while kimiko went back. "where did she go" diane asked "she is my weapon known as galaxy" i said "i see you are well treated i knew you guys wont bring her back but guess i will take her with me" a female voice said. i looked back and heard diane and zeldris yell my name in worry "lena" and i was teleported to camelot. everyone yelled my name was relieved to see me alive
"i see you are alive" hendrickson said "shut up" i said while growling
zeldris pov
when lena teleported meliodas entered and looked at me "so she was taken" meliodas said "i will take her back" i said while making a hole and trying to fly to where she is. i felt an incredible power. "do you sense that" the giant said "yeah it is filled with bloodlust, rage and hatered" ban said "merlin teleport us there" i said "we arent by your side and we wont follow your rules" escanor said "listen we want the same thing. so you teleport us there before it is too late" i said and merlin snapped her fingers. we were at camelot and saw lena standing there filled with hatered and bloodlust
lena pov
"if you want me that badly i wont back down without a fight" i said "princess you arent serious" gillthunder said "you cant fight all of you" howzer said "yes i can. requip" i said while changing my cloth into an armor. "you can do magic" diane asked "when did you get here" i asked "we felt your bloodlust and teleported here" merlin said. i felt an arm wrapped around me "am glad to see you are alright" zeldris said and i hugged him. the soldiers suddenly attacked us. i deflected all their magic with my sword. i jumped and a light apeared around my body "requip" i said. "wingblade armor" i said while landing and yelled "soaring blades" my swords went and took down all of them. "her sword moved by its own" diane said "amazing" ban said "beautiful" merlin said. "who wants to fight me now" i asked while they all looked terrified of me then i sensed someone. i blocked him with my sword "if jerome is here no one can defeat him" a soldier said. he attacked me and my sword corrode. i jumped back and did backflip "my sword can corrode anything even if its flesh" he said "you must be very proud" i said while pointing my sword at him. he was surprised before he screamed "my sword can attack you without you realizing" i said and changed my cloth back to what i was wearing.

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