chapter 14

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i woke up with the noises outside. i then heard zeldris shouting at someone "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU PEOPLE NO" zeldris yelled at the butler who was shivering in fear. i got off the bed and changed my cloth into a baby blue dress with white flat shoes. i combed my hair and tied it in a ponytail. i walked toward zeldris who was shouting at the butler and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"zeldris calm down" i said while calming him down. "did i woke you up" he asked "no you didnt" i said. he sighed and looked at the butler "dont repeat that mistake again" zeldris spoke harshly. he turned around and hugged me which i hugged back. "do you want to get breakfast" zeldris asked and i nodded. we walked to the dinning room. he opened the door and we entered. we took our seats while zeldris was keeping me extremely close to him.

"goodmorning lena how are you feeling" elizabeth asked "morning. am doing fine. how are you doing" i asked her "am doing fine" she said while i nodded. "zeldris i heard about the attack yesterday" meliodas said "yeah her and her sister ren attacked us yesterday" zeldris said. so that was gelda sister ren i thought. "what do you want to have this morning" he asked me "umm pancakes and hot chocolote" i said and he nodded. me and elizabeth would talk and smile at each other.

then i saw a pig. "what is the pig doing here" i asked "hey am not a pig am a boar" it said "huh the pig can talk" i said while surprised "yeah he can talk. he is elizabeth pet and his name is hawk" meliodas said "oh sorry hawk for being rude. my name is lena" i said "it is alright" he said. the waiter brought the food and left immidiately. we ate the food in peace. after we finished we left the room.

"do you want to go to the library" elizabeth asked "yeah i was heading there right now" i said "what books do you like" elizabeth asked "although am not a fan of books but i love reading thy land folktales" i said while smiling while elizabeth squeled. we began talking about the book and how good it was.

suddenly i felt sick, i wrapped my hand on my mouth and the other was holding my stomach. "lena are you alright" elizabeth asked getting zeldris attention. "lena are you okay" zeldris asked worriedly. i couldnt speak at all. "do you want to go back to our room" zeldris asked and i nodded. he took me back to our room and i was trying my hardest not to throw up in the hallways.

when he brought me to our room i immidiately ran to the bathroom and throw up for an hour. zeldris came to my side immidiately and pulled my hair back while rubbing my back. after that he carried me to the bed and put me down. i took a deep breath to calm my breathings. "do you want water" zeldris asked and i nodded. he went to get the water and came back immidiately with water.

he gave me the water and i drank it. i felt so worn out and tired. i laid down on the bed and closed my eyes "rest" zeldris said before i drifted off to sleep. by the time i woke up it was the next morning. i felt tired and couldnt move at all. then i felt a sudden wave of sickness.
i ran to the toilet and threw up badly for an hour. zeldris was immidiately by my side. he was rubbing my back. "we will visit kaida right now. can you stand up and change your cloth" he asked and i nodded. he left the room and got my cloth. i changed my cloth with him helping me. i wored a baggy black dress with white boots. he only had his sleepwear pants and was topless.

he carried me out of the room to the infirmary. he kicked open the door making the three doctors to fall off their chairs. kaida knew what it was and gestured zeldris to put me in the bed. kaida pulled the curtains to cover us. "ok how are you feeling lady lena" kaida asked "sick" that was the only word i could mutter out and she wrote it down."you were right to bring her here. its far to early" kaida said worried and it wasnt helping me at all.

"i will perform a small spell that will cool the tempereture and numb the sickness" kaida said and i nodded. she muttered a spell and white glow started emitting. "its one o'clock in the morning. let her rest while you and i will have to talk and i do a small test" kaida said. i felt tired and closed my eyes. i drifted off to sleep.

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