Chapter 22: The Final Battle...

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Shayd's POV

For a moment, I let myself think everything would be alright, that I had nothing to fear and someone somewhere would save us, but no matter how long we waited, nothing happened. No one came to our rescue, and both EJ and BEN remained frozen, there eyes not moving from the figures. Aspen had her hands balled, her knees bent into a low, registered fighting stance. She was prepared to fight her way out of this, but it would be useless. 

"What do you want from us?" I growled, loud enough for the pair to hear me. The man with the glasses chuckled and clicked his tongue. 

"I want nothing more than to kill some pestering insects." Aspen huffed, her knuckles turning white. She lunged without any warning or notice, a blur of colour against the figures.  There wasn't notice of hesitation as I leapt forward, charging straight after her. I heard footsteps as the other two spurred into motion. We didn't stand a chance, but we would stand. I threw my fist straight towards glasses. He dodged, but not well enough. Aspen threw out her elbow and clocked him in the nose, shattering his glasses. He stumbled, but somehow still pulled off a smile. The most insane thing was, this man seemed more human than the rest of the Pasta's. That almost, almost made me feel bad for wanting to tear him limb from limb. 

Aspen's POV

To my honest surprise, Shayd and I worked with ease and without hesitation. Our attacks were perfectly coordinated without a single spoken word, almost as if we had done this a thousand times. Hell, this could be the first and last time we fought together. Still, neither of us drew an untrained punch. Our actions were fueled simply by pure rage and hated and utter fear. But still, with each blow, the man just grunted and stiffened again, regaining some semblance of composure. It was like punching a sack of unmoving potatoes, and that really pissed me off. Neither of us gave in, even after minutes of brutal one-sidedness and rapid beatdown. The man with the glasses still stayed strong and still kept getting up. I just wanted it to end. I just wanted everything to end. 


White noise filled my head, my vision grew bright, far too bright for the middle of the night and far too bright to see. I squinted, but I still couldn't see anything. Everything was plastered with a vibrant, white light that seemed to have no end. The fighting ceased, the noise ceased. It felt as though life itself had stopped dead in its tracks. I inhaled sharply, trying to feel something, anything. My entire body shuddered with each passing moment, but the light remained. It felt like an eternity before the lights finally dimmed enough for me to make out two figures. They didn't resemble Slenderman or the glasses man. Oh no, they were much more humanoid, bearing clean white coats, very much hospital-like. I felt an overwhelming surge of fear as they gained closer. With each footstep, I inhaled sharply, trying to convince myself that I was still alive and I wasn't dreaming. I hadn't died because I was still breathing, but apart of me doubted this very thought, the very notion that I was alive although I was clearly breathing. 

"Hello, Aspen." The figure to the left said. I shuddered. I knew that voice, but I didn't know how. It wasn't anything I could pinpoint, no matter how much I wracked my brain, but I felt as though I had heard his voice a thousand times, so much so that it became unbearably annoying that I couldn't remember. I shook off the thought. This was likely an illusion, another trick or Pasta coming to tease with us on our deathbeds. I stared them down, unmoving and completely prepared. Whatever they had installed for us, I was ready to face dead on. Hell, if this was the gates of whatever afterlife we had come too, I was ready to fight for another chance. 

"Calm down, dear, your ok now." The other figure said, clearly very feminine. 

"What?" I managed. My voice was raspy, and my vision was still vastly impaired. I blinked a few times, my limbs beginning to spring back to life. I noticed I was in fact in a hospital room, laying down on one of the hospital beds. I shuddered. 

"Where's Shayd?" I asked. Panic rose in the back of my stomach. What had happened to me? Why was I the only one here? How did we come to this?

"Your friend? She's in the room next door." Relief, but still, there was still a few questions that remained unanswered. 

"What happened to me?" 

"You had a seizure." The man in the coat started, picking awkwardly at his clipboard. He looked awfully young to be a doctor, perhaps a nurse in training? All I could manage was a sigh, a sigh of relief. I was alive and back in the hands of some sort of authority. Back to normality for as long as it took. 


For the next few hours, I was peppered with questions. Just the simple, 'How are you feeling?', 'what's your name?', etc. etc. They didn't question me about the Pasta's, although I could tell that was soon to come, even if I had to be the one to bring it up. 

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?" I asked quietly. Both doctors glance between themselves nervously before Dr Parvell, the nice lady doctor cleared her throat.

"You were found by a special police force not long after you had a seizure. Apparently something had caused it, but they were very reluctant to give any details." I huffed. I knew why they would be reluctant to tell anyone about the things they had seen. We had been attacked countless times, but I wasn't in the mood to explain any of that to the doctors. Besides, it wasn't my place. If society knew that the horror stories the internet creates were real, then there would no doubt be a massive meltdown. I wasn't even sure if I could believe them myself, but I had seen it, I had felt it. The scars along my arms were clear signs of my experience, and they were real. After all, there were thousands of uncanny disappearances every day, murdered and bodies all too unexplainable. 

But they had been explained. 

They were Creepypastas. An internet legend, myths, stories and folklore. 

To me, they were reality. A reality I was destined to face again, one day. I hoped when that day came, Shayd would still be standing along my side, and we could face it together. 

The End..... 



This is the final chapter of my story. I hope you enjoyed it and if you did, please consider following me for more stories like this!


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