Chapter 6: How Could This Happen?!

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Shayd's POV

Emily... she's gone... gone for good. 

My thoughts drowned out the sound of the battle behind me. They flooded my mind, flashing past in an instant before I could clearly make them out but one, one stood out far more than the most. 

It. Was. Toby's. Fault. He distracted me from the real issue. He brought me to this, too this nightmare. If it weren't for him, I might be living happily with my parents again. I clenched my fists, digging my nails into my skin, tearing through the flesh. Toby's eyes were on me, and I could tell he enjoyed it. He enjoyed the anger. What an absolutely sick joke he had become. He stumbled over a log and rushed forward. I couldn't help but smile, feeling the warm blood dripping from my palms. 

"Please. You a joke." I growled, turning to look at Toby. In the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of yellow followed by a dark shadow, no doubt it was Aspen fighting Hoodie. The yellow figure lay still on the ground, but Aspen appeared to be fading slowly her energy draining. 

"Shayd! M-my best cousin!" Toby said between ticks. He tried his best to sound charismatic, to get on my good side, but it wouldn't be any good. He was an idiot to believe that he could simply just slide back into her life after what he had done. Murder was non-excusable. 

I rushed him, tackling him to the ground. He hit his head on a tree stump which would normally render a man unconscious. I sat on top of him, pinning him to the damp forest floor. He swung 

He sliced at my arm with his hatchets, cutting into my skin. I felt nothing. This was almost pointless, we either had to die or pass out from exhaustion, there was no 'getting so hurt you couldn't fight' with us. I had my bare hands to deal with Toby, and he had his hatchets. I got up swiftly, kicking him in the gut. He clenched his stomach and rolled over, spitting blood all over the ground. He wiped his mouth and stood, raising his hatchets for another swift attack.

Aspen's POV

I was tired, but there was no way I was going to give in. I had knocked Hoodie out, but I had another problem to deal with. Masky. He was standing on the sidelines until now, until his 'friend' was in danger. 

He grabbed something from underneath his jacket and lunged. I hit his wrist and narrowly dodged the blow, the blade inches from my face. He growled and brought his other fist around, causing a sharp blow to my head. I stumbled shortly, regaining my balance. My legs and hands were burning, but I trudged on. The pain told me I was alive. 

To my surprise, Masky was tiring, too, despite our short attack. I knew I couldn't let him win, not when Shayd was still alive. My clothes felt sticky and hot against my skin, stained in the fresh blood of myself and Masky. It almost made me feel sick. I hissed, glowering at the boy. He might actually stand a chance against me, how pathetic. He would be better off buried in a hold alongside Slenderman and his other roaches. That cruel, unforgiving creature who just surveyed the fight. 


Blow after blow, punch after punch, kick after kick, it was the same. We were repeating the same styles, over and over again, too tired to try anything else, our minds were too focused on staying alive. I kicked, he blocked, he punched, I dodged, it was fire versus fire. Then, something caught my immediate attention, and Masky's. A flash of yellow and orange light to my left directly was Shayd had been standing only a moment ago. Someone cried out in pain and my gut wrenched. 


I saw Shayd completely engulfed in flames. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, clawing at her skin. Toby stood on the edge of the firelight, his expression fixed in a state of pure shock. He hadn't done this, but his sick mind enjoyed it. He seemed to be enjoying the sight of his cousin burning, completely engulfed in the red flames. And the screams. The pure, painful screams that called all throughout the forest. It was no longer silent here. 

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