Chapter 2: Explosion

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Shayd's POV

I was still pretty shaken up on what had happened on the bus. Standing there, afraid to move, I waited. There was no signal to call help and no way to alert anyone that we are in trouble. I sat down in my chair, waiting. Minutes passed away into hours. I remained seated the entire time, scared of the possibilities. 

I talked with Aspen for a few minutes, but I got too restless, so I got up and walked to the front of the bus again. Most of the kids had woken up and were now talking casually as if nothing had happened. At first, everyone was screaming, but the few teachers on the bus assured us that nothing was wrong and that if we stayed on the bus someone would find us before they proceeded to drag the bodies from the bus to alleviate the stench. There were a few sobs here and there, but not enough concern for the dead. The thick, dark storm clouds rolled toward the bus. Flickers of lightning clawed at sky. Rain started to patter down on the roof of the bus. I could hear it, but it was only a light shower. I walked towards the front of the bus with my hands in my pockets. I was tired and sore from a lack of sleep and sleeping. I heard the door open and I didn't even bother to look, my mind was elsewhere. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a large red container in his hands, but just brushed it off as a bag carried by one of the students. 

A few moments later I smelt something. It smelt familiar and oddly sweet. Was there a fuel leak on the bus or something? I turned to the back of the bus. Standing in the centre of the hallway was a tall, lean boy. He had a mop of messy brown hair and a hood that concealed his features. In his hand was indeed the red container, a container full of gasoline. It sloshed around inside as the boy poured the brown-gold liquid onto the floors. Kids were screaming, but I didn't hesitate. I hurried towards the boy, prepared to fight. 

"Oi, you! What are you doing?" Aspen screamed. Her voice cut through my lack of thoughts, and almost comforted me, but my focus was still on the boy. Underneath his hood, his face contorted into a wicked smile. He pulled something out of his pocket, a lighter. It clicked to life, a small fragment of glittering red flame. 

"Run!" I screamed at Aspen.

"Don't do this, you idiot," I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear. I clenched my fists and stared at the guy. Somehow, his smile grew wider than it had before. I knew Aspen was gone know. 

"Goodbye!" He said, dropping the lighter. I felt my gut climb into my throat, watching slowly as I stood, unable to do anything. Time seemed to stop, as I stood, watching the glittering steel mixed with the glowing orange fire hurtle towards the floor. 

It seemed to happen suddenly. The guy leapt out of the window, smashing the glass. Then about a millisecond after, the explosion rocked the bus. I held my arms above my face to protect it from the wave of heat and the blast. Flames licked at the sides of the leather seats, turning the bus instantly into a sauna. Great, so I was going to die in an explosion with the words "Don't do this, you idiot," engraved on my tombstone. 

Aspen's POV

I knew there was no arguing with Shayd. She is stubborn and repulsive, but a really good person. I felt terrible leaving her behind inside the bus. Outside, my classmates were clinging to each other for dear life, hobbling away from the sight, but I was too worried to care for their sake. Shayd was still inside the bus- I could go back and get her before it was too late-

The bus exploded in a brilliant plume of red and orange. Dark smoke billowed from the windows, and in a matter of seconds, the bus was entirely engulfed in fire. I ran towards the crowd of students, tears burning my eyes. Shayd would come out, she would make it, and when she did, I would strangle her myself. The explosion knocked me from my feet, but I didn't hit the cement. A blonde boy caught me before I could. 


I turned to view the explosion sight, my vision is still blurry. Orange flames licked towards the horizon, mixed with the reflecting glass that was glittering all across the road. I stared in absolute horror the incident. A voice in the back of my head doubted Shayd could make it out alive, but my heart forced down the pestering voice. She would be ok, she just wasn't here at the moment. I had to see her, see for myself that she was ok, or- or if she hadn't made it. 

Rain pattered across the road, drowning out my thoughts. It grew heavier and louder with each passing moment, but I didn't move. I watched the fire, the bus, hoping against all hope that Shayd survived. Whoever had done this, I would make them regret the very day they were born. I would not rest until they were dead, lying stone-cold in a coffin. I clenched my fists. A hand curled on my shoulder, gripping it tightly.

"Sweetie, everything will be alright." Despite the soothing tone, I still didn't feel reassured. Mrs Harrison smiled kindly at me, her brown eyes glinting with tears. She was trying her best, but I couldn't handle it. She was smiling, all happy-like, meanwhile, my best friend had just died right before my eyes along with dozens of her own students. How could someone be so careless? 

I refused to let it go. I would get my revenge, and I would never forget. 

Hey guys! So I have kinda been obsessed with Creepypasta lately and this is where I end up, writing a Creepypasta fanfic and intently reading Creepypasta 'til my eyes fall out. 

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