Chapter 16: The Pages

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The silence was pretty weird. As soon as Aspen had left, I decided it was best to follow after them, after all, if they were to face Slenderman, they needed a quick escape route and I was just your guy. 

Jack thought it was a stupid idea, but both Blake and Joseph agreed without hesitation and Jack was dragged along with us regardless. After betraying Slenderman like that, there was no way he would be able to stay safe in the Slender forest, definitely not at this rate. Slender and his Proxy's will no doubt be searching for us too unless they had already found us. I shivered at the thought. I almost lost my balance, which was difficult considering I was floating. Unlike the rest of them, I was practically immortal, almost. It was close to impossible to kill something that isn't really there, like myself. Sure, EJ was pretty goddamn powerful and immortal, but the other two. They were just two humans who had been pulled into this terrible fate. Blake and Joseph, they were just stuck here, in body and soul and I had to protect to my dismay. Shayd would kill me if I didn't, even though I can't die, she would find a way. 


"Hey BEN, are you really from the Legends of Zelda game?" Blake asked, poking my foot. His voice cut through the silence of the air like a knife. 

I stopped mid-air and looked down to face him. 

"Of course I am," I answered coldly, glaring at him. His eyes studied me carefully, I couldn't tell whether it was out of fear or curiosity. Either way, it triggered me. He chuckled and continued walking. The sound was pretty strained. 

"That's pretty cool y'know." He said from up ahead. He leant against a tree, turning back to face me. 

"You like Shayd, don't you?" I asked, my eyes glittering with ecstasy. He was just a mortal, pretty readable, pretty useless. 


I chuckled. 

"That's right, you want Shayd, but she won't like someone like you. Oh no, you're far too 'human-y', she needs someone better, someone, like me." 

"Human-y?" Blake's eyebrows furrowed. I drifted over to him. 

"You heard me." 

For once, EJ laughed. It wasn't a nice sound, but it was new. His masked muffled the agony, but not enough to drown it out entirely. Joseph looked as though he wanted to flee, like the scared rabbit he was. 

"Alright girls, let's stop fighting, ok?" EJ finally, smiling through his mask. Joseph nodded in agreement, shivering like a wet cat. 

"What makes you think you can stop me?" I asked sarcastically, drifting higher to make myself appear larger. EJ chuckled warmly. It was genuine, and it sent shivers down my spine. Something had changed in him, almost as if he was happier. Of course, I wasn't surprised. EJ had been trapped and forced into the whole Creepypasta business, whilst some of us came willingly. 

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you just found a page and I don't think I need to be the one to stop you." EJ cooed, his head flicking over to the tree Blake stood by. 

"What do you mean by 'page'?" Blake asked, shuffling nervously. This time it was Joseph's turn to laugh. Mid-laugh, he let a gigantic snort. We stared at him in disbelief. 

"You don't know, do you, Blake? I thought you were the big gamer, but I suppose not." Joseph said, wiping away tears. Blake stared at him, furiously. 

"You don't mean-" 

"Oh yeah," Joseph answered, interrupting Blake before he could finish. Blake stumbled backwards, reaching his hands out to catch himself. He fell against the tree, tearing the paper from the bark. It was a dark, crumpled piece of lined paper with a dodgy drawing of Slenderman, scribbled around the body was the words 'NO'. 

The entire forest fell silent. Nothing made a single noise, not the birds, not the crickets, not even the wind chimed in. 

"You shouldn't have done that," I muttered, folding my arms across my chest. It was dead silent now. I had seen this too many times, far too many to count. You messed with Slender's 'art', you were in big trouble, just like the game. 

Joseph screamed, catching everyone's attention. He looked awfully pale, his eyes darting back and forth between the torn paper between Blake's fingers and myself. Blake looked as scared as one sensible boy would be, his eyes strained open, his mouth hanging open in a permanent scream. 

"He's coming," Joseph whispered. As if just on cue, I heard a small creaking noise, like a tree in the wind, but there was no wind. We all huddled closer together, back-to-back in a defensive circle. Even the all-mighty EJ looked scared now. My heartbeat sped up. If it was Slenderman, then we would be in trouble, and no defensive circle would stop him. 

Aspen's POV

The forest fell awfully silent all of a sudden. All I could hear was Shayd's breathing crossed with my own. The silence, the dead quietness sent chills along my arms. 

Shayd and I sat up, admiring the forest scenery. It would be very nice if we weren't being hunted like wild animals. I wish I could have stayed in that moment forever, just in the stillness alone with my best friend. Just feeling some friendly company was enough to put me off my guard. 

A large tentacle-like thing wrapped carefully around my ankle, tightening with every second. I yelled in fear. I tried to pull it off, but it just grew tighter. Shayd hurried over to my side, her face a mix of fear and concern. She tried to rip it off as well, but it was no good. I struggled and squirmed, trying to break free, but that was only a distraction. More black tentacles came from a single direction, wrapping around my arms and my other leg. Shayd screamed in anger, clawing away at the tentacles. 

"Shayd! Run! Go get the others!" I cried. She looked at me in shock, her eyes glassy. 

"I can't leave my friend!" She declared, still trying her best to get the tentacles from me. I shoved her away as much as I could with the tentacles, my own eyes full of tears. 

"Go, please." I pleaded. She stood up, shaking her head in an attempt to rid her eyes of the tears. 

"F-fine. Stay here, I'll go get help." She mumbled before heading off into the distance, her figure melting away into the forest. 

When she was gone, I started to sob, crying my heart out. I had never felt so scared in my life, but for some reason, I did today. It must have something to do with the tentacles, and now I had most likely sent my best friend to her death. 

Shayd's POV

I ran through the trees in what I believed was the direction I had come, wiping tears away as I went. I needed to find the others, no matter what it took, I would find them. 


I walked aimlessly for a few minutes, searching through the trees and darkness. I spotted something white on the tree up ahead. Maybe it was a note that they had left! I felt a little bit of hope build in my chest as I ran toward it, ripping the paper from the tree. The forest turned still, the trees pausing their aimless wind dance. 

Scribbled on the page was a simple phrase: 


I held my breath. If this truly was their note, then they were in trouble, but if not, then it was someone else's. I heard a twig snap and the trees begin to creak once again. I hadn't even realised I was holding my breath until I gasped.  

I turned, prepared to greet my friends. Then, I could lead them to Aspen and everything would turn out alright- but it wasn't my friends who I greeted, it was Slenderman. 

THAT'S IT! THE CHAPTER OF THE STORY! I hope you enjoyed and if you did, please vote, comment etc!

That's All Folks!


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