Chapter 11: Natalie Oulette

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Blake's POV
"I'm sorry, Blake." The blonde girl said quite tensely, leaning against the door frame. She looked terrible as if she had just been crying. Her eyes were puffy and red, and her face was totally flushed. I clenched my fist. Aspen had just informed me of the kidnapping of Shayd by this guy called 'Slenderman.' I mean sure, he was from a famous video game, but I thought that was all myth, just a cool idea for a horror game. I was obviously wrong. Aspen seemed so certain about, I was almost afraid to deny it. 


The window slammed open, the glass splintering underneath the force. I stumbled backwards, tripping over a loose jacket. A dark, hooded figure sat, perched upon the window sill. Aspen rolled her eyes and walked over to the figure without a single care in the world. She started scolding the guy for breaking the window, although, her voice remained quiet. I kept glancing between the two as they fought. Aspen pulled the hooded guy into my room. I was about to argue until I saw the guys face, illuminated by the silvery moon outside.

In the place of his eyes were black, empty sockets. His skin was paled grey, his complexion was surprisingly handsome. I spotted a silver knife and scalpel tied around his waist. In his right hand, he clenched a mask delicately as if were a piece of porcelain. 

"What's he doing here?"  The boy hissed, staring right back at me. At least, that is what I assumed. After all, I couldn't see his eyes. 

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, further recalling backwards. The guy smiled, his black teeth sharpened like fangs. He looked around 18, which made me even more scared for some reason. He sat, almost leisurely, onto the couch. Onto my couch. 

"Well, if you are so curious, my name is Jack, but you can call me EJ." The newcomer said, playing with one of his many scalpels. His voice sounded like polished steel, so smooth yet deadly sharp. 

"EJ? Is that short for something." The guy nodded, somehow he managed to smile even wider than before. Before EJ could speak, Aspen stepped in. She cupped her hand over EJ's mouth, silencing him. That girl has guts of steel, I swear. And to my sheer disbelief, the boy didn't even worry. 

"Did you hear that?" She whispered, her voice was extremely quiet. I had to strain my ears to hear her. I shook my head but EJ nodded, his brown hair flopping loosely over his eyes if that's what you would call them. 

Footsteps. I heard footsteps. They were so quiet, almost impossible to hear over the outside sounds. Soon enough, the footsteps gained volume and speed. With each step, it sent a chill down my spine. The guy brought out his scalpel slowly, without making a single sound. Just the movement, silent and deadly. He was a trained killer. That really didn't help with my growing anxiety. 


After waiting silently for a few minutes, I could hear the faint sound of metal against wood, and the dull sound of ticking. The sound chilled me right down to the bone. Another figure loomed out of the shadows. It had the frame of a female, a glittering knife in hand. Aspen growled a sound that made me wonder if she truly was human. Before I could even react, she had charged, snatching EJ's knife from his belt. Their knives connected with a loud crack. Neither of them looked intent on giving up and all I could do was sit and watch. I knew if I interfered I would only just make things 10 times worse. 

Aspen's POV
As soon as I saw the figure and heard the ticking, I knew exactly who this girl was, so I did what any sane person would, I charged at her. 

"Natalie." I hissed, dancing around the girl. She smiled, her watch-eye and knife glittered in the moonlight. Most people her knew her as 'Clockwork', but I knew her as Natalie Oulette, my cousin, who I despised. I spun around, dodging her blade. I attempted to stab her in the chest, but she dodged the blow. I growled, attacking again. Blow after blow, it was almost useless. She dodged, I attacked, she attacked, I dodged. I knew, deep down inside, that we were of equal strength if not, she would have more. After all, Natalie was trained in killing and I was not. 


Blake and EJ took it as their chance to escape as of my request. At that moment, the whole school broke out into utter chaos. Sirens blared, flashing red in the darkness. Angry teens hobbled out of their rooms until they realized the various figures illuminated by the lights. They weren't of this school. Their clothes often black and tattered. Sensible me, I also ran. I didn't want to be kept waiting, after all, Shayd was in danger and I had to act. Clockwork followed closely behind, her knife at the ready, but I was much faster than her and I knew the halls well. 


I turned a corner, dodging one of the disfigured bodies. I didn't have enough time to admire the view, I dove straight out of a window. If Natalie was smart, she wouldn't follow. The glass pierced my skin. I flinched at the pain, but that was the least of my problems. I tumbled the first few metres out of the air, turning into a nosedive. If I was going to die, it might as well be a cool death. 

I hurtled through the air at high speed. Above I could hear Natalie cursing down at me. I closed my eyes preparing for the impact. I wondered if it was going to be painful, but I didn't have to wonder for long. 


"Huh?" I opened my eyes. For some reason, I had stopped falling. Sure, it had hurt, but I wasn't dead. EJ held me in his arms, his blue mask concealing his face. I stared at him, he stared at me. I groaned, rolling from his arms and falling face-first into the dirt. It was the first time I had been outside in weeks, and it smelt amazing. The dew in the air, the blood wafting into my nose. Screams echoed from within the halls, blood splattered against the glass. It was disgusting, but I was free. 

"Thanks," I muttered, picking myself up and dusting the dirt off my shirt and hair. He nodded, still staring off into the distance. 

"Clockwork will be down in a minute, we should get going." 

"What about Blake?" 

EJ pointed behind me. I followed his gaze and saw Blake and Joseph. Blake was helping the redhead, his leg wrapped in a cloth. I rushed over to help them. An explosion rattled the building, knocking us all to the ground. Glass littered the ground, black smoke filling the air. 

"Over there," Blake said, pointing to the direction of a line of buses. Hundreds of students were screaming and clawing at each other, trying to get a seat on the buses. I shook my head. 

"There isn't any time." 


Our alternate route, the sewers. 

It has been a while, hasn't it?


Welp, that is all. If you guys like this story, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT ETC.!



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