Where's The Violet Book?

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Chapter Seven ❤ I'm going to have to finish this story sooner.  ❤ Hihi. Then I'll prepare for another at May 15 ❤


A loud horn jolted me awake. I could see all the other tributes were scared too. It was daytime. Five atleast and we could see crystal clear.

" Hey guys, which are you going to get first? The flower or the book? " I asked them.

" Well we'll go for the book first, so that we can be with you guys. We have to split up though. A huge crowd would attract zombies. " Rachel explained.

" Okay one would go for the flower and get the other's flowers, and the other will go for the book?  Okay team up. " Lola said.

Since they're six of us, three each.

" Okay I get Wendy and Lola. " I said quickly.

" I get Rachel and Maria then. " Bethany smiled.

" Got your weapons? " I asked her and she nodded. They left quickly after that.

" You got a weapon? " I asked Lola and she nodded showing her big machete.

We were lost to say the least. The arena was huge and we have been circling it for about half an hour.

" Wait, I remember something. The attic is underground, right? " Wendy said to herself, more to us.

Oh yeah. I face-palmed myself. We looked for something that resembled a stair case, We're never going to find one.


" Ouch. Stupid Secret Staircase. " I grumbled-wait. Secret Staircase!

" Guys. " I called out to them.

" What? "

" Staircase. " I pointed to the secret passage way.

" Oh. " The said dumbly.

We yanked the underground door open and the horrible smell immediately assaulted our mouths.

I grabbed my bag and took out the extra small handkerchief that I bought with me and tied It over my nose.

I was the first to down, quietly landing on the floor. I scanned my eyes on the area, It was pure red. Not that way. The lights were red, and they were blinking on and off.

Scariest thing ever.

" Come on guys. " I told them. And they quietly crept behind me.

We heard moans on the left side and It was pretty quiet on the right side, it's a maze.

" Which direction Lola? " I asked her.

" Left. " She said and my eyes went wide, she wanted us to get eaten alive? Fine, but she goes first.

" Take the lead. " I told her and she did.

We followed Lola to a clearing and sure enough there were zombies there, nine to be exact. And I could see the purple books scattered there, and other competitors. Some were fighting of the zombies, others died a fake death were the zombies disgustingly bit them.

But then I noticed something, the zombies like the letter said were faster, stronger and smarter.

I quickly searched for a weak spot. Bam. The brain zombies can't function without a brain. Because that's the only part about them alive, and besides that's were the get controlled by the capitol.

" Three each? " I told them.

The nodded and I just smirked.

Where's The Violet Book? ❤ Okay. part 2 later. ✌

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