Part 65: Creature Preference

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Stiles shrugged his shoulders at this while Scott cleared his throat to hide a laugh. "Maybe that's what you're smelling."

Brett only looked at Stiles in disbelief with arms crossed over his chest as he leaned on his car door, all the while Liam looked almost appalled at the information that was being thrown out in the open when he was just with Brett in the car ride ...

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Brett only looked at Stiles in disbelief with arms crossed over his chest as he leaned on his car door, all the while Liam looked almost appalled at the information that was being thrown out in the open when he was just with Brett in the car ride going to where they were now.

"I'm serious!" Brett almost growled as he started walking back to his car, opening the door before slamming it closed rather loudly. He took his phone and dialed 1.

"Who are you calling?" Liam asked, he was now walking back from the wet soil to the cemented main road.

"Did Lydia tell you where Y/N is right now?" He asked as he placed his phone to his ear, ignoring Liam's question – too afraid to grasp that you might be the one taken by the humanoid that flew from Lydia's house and to who knows where.

"She said that Y/N actually disappeared right when we heard the thing..." As Stiles answered, his words started to trail off at the sudden realization that there was a big possibility that whatever Brett was thinking was correct. He looked to Liam then to Scott, the same thought registered in his head and everyone seemed to panic even more. But before he could continue, they all turned their heads to the direction of the sudden noise they heard above them.

Shooting up to the sky, you didn't gamble a glance to see the boys and swiftly flew away. Brett and the others immediately went back in their cars and sped up chasing you. The cold wind that was hitting your face made your eyes water but not before hearing a sound that whooshed just past your face making you stop and search where it came from, your heart beating faster from the sudden adrenaline to defend yourself.

"There! Shoot now!" You heard shouting before another sharp-bladed arrow flew past you.

"Shoot to kill!" It reminded.

The order was repeated over the radio as more hunters started to gather from below you, you dove back down in the trees to deter from being out in the open and hopefully blend yourself in the environment. But it didn't take too long before you were spotted again, this time their guns were now being aimed at you.

 But it didn't take too long before you were spotted again, this time their guns were now being aimed at you

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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