"Um- could you get me my towel? I forgot to bring it with me." I said, looking at the floor. I mean, yeah we've seen each other naked before, but that was more that twelve years ago. I pretty sure that we have changed.

A lot.

"Uh- yeah." He said, going towards my dresser and picking it up from where it was resting on the top. He walked towards me and held out his arm, only looking at my eyes. I quickly took it from him and brought it into the washroom.

"Thanks Niall." I said before I closed the door. I heard a faint "You're welcome" come from the other side. I dried myself and then applied my body lotion before putting on my pyjamas; it was my post-shower ritual. When I was finally done, I realized how tired I actually was; I was ready to collapse in bed and fall asleep. The time difference was getting to me. I checked the clock on my phone and it read 1:03 a.m. I tidied up the washroom and towel dried my hair before walking out and into the bedroom. Niall looked up and his eyes locked on my frozen figure. They traveled up my bare legs, up my torso, and finally connected with my eyes.

"You have welts all over your legs." He said with a frown. "And some on your arms."

"They'll heal." I shrugged, I could feel them starting to hurt.

"Got all the paint out?" He asked with a smile, trying to lighten up the mood. Niall always knew the right things to say and exact time to do so.

"Uh- yeah. I think" I gave a small laugh. Niall closed his lap top and put it on his beside table before turning to face me.

"You're exhausted, aren't you?" He asked with a small, caring smile.

"Is it that obvious?" I answered looking into his blue eyes.

"No. But I know you better than you know yourself." He said with a shrug. It was true. If anyone knew me better than myself, it was him.

It was Niall.

"You need a Horan Hug." He stated with a wide smile as he opened his arms. And suddenly, I felt that I did in fact need one. So I walked up to the bed and crawled into the middle and onto Niall's lap, where he then wrapped me in a well needed Horan Hug.

"You're so warm." I mumbled as I turned around in his lap and buried my face in his neck. Niall was so comfortable I could fall asleep just sitting in his arms.

"It's only because you're so cold." He chuckled. "You know that you can shower with hot water, right?" He teased.

"You know how I like my showers." I replied with a smile. "Short and-"

"Cold." He cut me off, finishing my sentence. "Ice cold." He said as he took my face in his hands, warming up my cheeks with his heat.

"Just like old times." I laughed lightly.

"I can feel your face defrosting in my hands." He whispered, laughing quietly. I giggled.

"By the way," I started, "you're still so warm." I said, snuggling into him again.

"And you're still so tired." He replied softly, his fingers traveling through my damp hair. "You need rest."

"I know." I agreed tiredly, closing my eyes.

"Then sleep." He said.

"But what about you-"

"Don't worry about me. I'm staying here. I'm not going anywhere."

This is why I loved him. He was always so good to me.

"Niall?" I asked, pushing him down onto the bed and cuddling into his arms. He wrapped them around my waist and brought me closer, engulfing me in his warmth.

"Mhmmm?" He hummed in reply.

"I love you."

"I love you too." And with that, he kissed my forehead and brought the covers around us. And it was in that very moment that nothing else mattered. It was just me and Niall. Niall and I.

It was us.

*Niall's POV*

Well that was different.

I'm slowly starting to realize that having Katie in the house is not going to be the same as it was with just all guys. I thought it would be like the old days, when neither of us considered each other a boy or a girl. When we were just Katie and Niall; best friends. I mean, yeah we still are best friends, but its different. Back then it wouldn't be awkward if Katie asked me to get her a towel if she forgot it. Back then it wouldn't really mean anything if I saw her change. Back then it wasn't weird if I kissed her on her cheeks or her nose or her forehead. Back then we would sleep together in the same bed in just our underwear and it would be just fine.

But now it's not.

It's not because we're older; because we grew older while we were apart from one another. It's not because even though she was pretty back then, she is even more beautiful now. It's not because before, she didn't have boobs and a waist and a butt, and because my hands didn't fit perfectly in the curves of her waist like they do now. It's not because when I look at her now, I don't see what I used to see; I see so much more. I see her eyes, her nose and her mouth. I see her neck, her shoulders and her arms. I see the perfect curve of her back, and the dimples at the base of her spine. I see her hips and her legs. And it's not the same because now I don't just see 'Katie, my best friend'.

I see her.



Okay so first of all, I just want to thank everybody that has helped make this story known. The reads and the votes and the comments and the fans! It's all so awesome to know that people are actually liking what I am making up in my head and typing out. So please know that if you are reading this, I love you. MOVING ON. This chapter was more touchy feely between both Katie and Niall. Since you guys were asking for some romance, this was the best I could think of while it's still so early into the story. Technically it's not romance, because Katie and Niall are just friends. Right? So we'll call it "Friendly Love" , if you will. I promise that it will get better once we start developing the characters and their feelings, but as of now, the story is still young! Please keep the suggestions coming! As you know, I will use your ideas in the story, so anything at all will help! Anyways, that's it for me! Stay safe!

~Skylar xx

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