Chapter Thirty-Two

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For the second time in two days, someone pounded on my door. I never have visitors so this was way out of the norm.

Groaning I rolled out of bed and stomped to the door. If it happened to be Derek and a drunken Jensen again they both would walk away with a permanent limp.

    The banging sounded again and more impatient.

    "I'm coming!" I called.

    I fumbled with the locks but decided last minute to leave the chain in place, then pulled the door open. Saw and June greeted me this time. Saw looked pissed and June looked nervous.

Undoing the chain, I pulled the door open and let them in.

    "Please tell me you were not just in bed," Saw demanded as she walked inside. "It's not even seven!"

    "I'm tired," I said, obviously.

    "You're always tired," she said, rolling her eyes.

    "Did you come all this way to scold me for being tired?" I wouldn't be surprised because it was very like Saw to do something so ridiculous, but I had a feeling she was here for another reason. She was too keyed up.

I cocked my head and waited for her to get to it.

    "Babe, this has to stop. It's gone on long enough and I can't keep watching you go on like this." Saw said it in a rush as if she was afraid I might interrupt her.

    "We're worried about you," June added.

    "Is this an intervention?" I asked trying to make a joke.

    "This isn't funny," Saw insisted and June nodded in agreement.

    "I know it isn't, but I'm fine. Really."

    "You are not fine. You are far from fine," Saw snapped. When I opened my mouth to object, she cut me off. "Talk to him, Freya!"

    "Saw!" June warned but Saw wasn't having it.

    "No! She needs to hear this," she snapped, then turned her fierce gaze to me. "You need to go to him and you need to talk to him. I look into his eyes every single day and see how miserable he is. Every day he asks me how you're doing because the thought of you being miserable is killing him. I deal with that every single day and I can't do it anymore. I love you both and I won't stand by and watch you do this any longer." Her face was flushed and I could see how much this was hurting her too.

    When I left Jensen, I tried to make it easier for me and I had hoped that everyone else wouldn't be affected either but it looked like I failed. It would appear that I wasn't the only person who had been miserable this last month. I had made my friends just as miserable. Thinking about it now, I'm surprised she did let it go on this long.

    Hell, I shouldn't have let it go on this long.

    She'd never been one to beat around the bush or sugar coat anything. Which is why I knew she was right. 

    "Okay," I sighed. June's eyes went wide, but Saw must not have heard me right away.

    "No, you..." she paused, then cocked her head to the side. "Okay?"

    "Yes, okay. I will go talk to him. You're right, of course. It shouldn't have gone on for so long. Sometimes I can be so stubborn and I think this time I couldn't look past my own pain to see the entire picture. It would appear I've caused more damage than anything. So, yes I will go to him. I'm not sure what can be accomplished. I've made such a huge mess of things."

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