Chapter Two

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The drive to Colorado was horrible.

I had nothing but time to brood over my failed relationship and how I would probably die alone now. Okay, that was a little dramatic, but seriously? How was I ever going to find another boyfriend? Josh was the full package and I screwed it up.

Typical me.

By the time I reached my new apartment, I was a complete mess. Luckily, I made good time and it was still dark out. If my luck held maybe I wouldn't meet any of my neighbors until I was in better shape, mentally and physically. I imagined I looked a little scary after driving straight through.

I snagged a few bags full of the necessities and headed into the building. The rest would have to wait until I had slept a few hours and maybe taken a shower. I couldn't help but stand outside my apartment building and admire it for a moment. It really was something to look at.

It was an old Victorian building, probably a huge house at one point until it had been converted into four apartments. My mom and I had flown out a few weeks ago after my realtor had called insisting we come as soon as possible.

Apparently, this apartment was a rare find and wouldn't be available long.

The moment I set eyes on it, I was in love and I knew I wanted to live here. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to afford it, but to my good fortune, the landlord offered discounts to her tenants that were in school. That would explain why it wouldn't stay available long. A few days later my mother and I had it furnished and ready for me to move my things from Kentucky in.

I smiled up at the beautiful building and proceeded inside. My apartment was on the top floor on the left. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, shutting the door behind me. Then, I stuck my hand out, snaking it along the wall just inside the door until my hand connected with the light switch. I clicked it on and to my relief, everything looked the same as I had left it.

I tossed my keys onto the table beside the door. Excitement coursed through me as the realization that I finally had my own place. I peered around taking in the front room. The kitchen and living room had an open floor plan and the only thing separating them was the breakfast bar. I decided against a kitchen table because I felt it would only clutter the room. I found some cute vintage bar stools at a thrift store and they went well with the decor.

My living room was nothing special as far as the usual sofa, reclining chair, and a good-sized TV. What stood out were the bookshelves that lined the walls and they weren't there to hold knick-knacks or trinkets.

No, I had found numerous volumes while thrift store shopping and I brought all the books from home. Books I had collected over the years and had fallen in love with. There were many, so many in fact I put an extra shelf in my room as a backup.

Standing in front of the front door, you could look down the hallway. The only door on the right was the master suite and master bath, which were to be my mine. The first door on the left was the spare room, which contained a guest bed that my mother requested that I purchase.

She stated it was in case I decided to get a roommate or made friends, they might sleepover. I didn't bother arguing. The last door on the left was the guest bathroom which to my surprise was decent sized like the master bath.

It wasn't the most lavish apartment by any means and most of the furnishings came from secondhand shops, but it was mine and that was enough for me. All mine for the next two years at least and I had no intention of worrying about that until then. Hell, now that Josh and I are over I didn't have to go back to Kentucky if I didn't want to. I knew my parents would understand.

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