Chapter Four

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I opened my backpack, double-checking to make sure I had all the right books for today's classes. The last thing I wanted was to be unprepared for class. I hated that, but luckily everything was there.

I slung the bag over my shoulder and headed for the door. I grabbed my bag and keys off the table beside the door and headed out. As I turned to shut the door, I heard Saw's door open.

"And where do you think you're going?"

I turned to find her arching an eyebrow at me, leaning against her door frame. Her arms were crossed over her pajama-clad chest.

"For a run," I said sarcastically, but she just stared at me with an amused smile on her face. "School obviously and you are going to be late." I shifted my backpack on my shoulder.

It wasn't like Saw to skip school or be late.

"Freya, do you know what day it is?" The amused smile never faltered.

I was getting annoyed with her. "October 10th," I said impatiently.

She just stared at me like she was waiting for something. I gave her a confused look, I knew for sure I was right. I looked at the date last night as I set my alarm. I knew for a fact that it was October the... The backpack slid from my shoulder and landed on the ground with a thud as the realization hit me.

It was the first day of fall break. I had been in Colorado for over two months and I hadn't even realized it, but that wasn't why I freaked out.

"Shit!" I groaned, pulling my phone out of my pocket to check the time, though I knew it was too late.

"Figured it out, did you?" Saw snorted and my eyes went to her.

"My flight left an hour ago. I was supposed to go to my parents for fall break." The amusement left her face, and she straightened.

"Ah, hell, I'm sorry, sweetie." She pushed her door open wider. "Come in and call your folks and I'll cook you some breakfast."

"Yea, okay." I bent down and picked my backpack up, slinging it back over my shoulder. I ambled into her apartment and over to her couch where I took a seat, dialing my mother's number.

"Freya?" My mom answered, sounding flustered. "Have you already landed? We were just headed out to get you."

"No. That's why I'm calling. I missed my flight, mom."

"You what?!" she exclaimed, disappointment colored her tone.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just lost track of time and didn't realize what today was," I confessed.

"Oh, Freya. What are we going to do with you?" She chuckled.

"I'll see if I can switch my flight to tomorrow or something." I wasn't sure if that was possible on such short notice, but I could always try.

"Oh sweetie, it's unlikely you'll be able to get something so soon. Just have it switched to your Thanksgiving break and we'll see you then. Maybe set an alarm next time, hmm?"

"You're not mad?"

"Of course not. I know how busy you've been," she assured me. "Call me later and we'll catch up, okay?"


"I love you," she said.

"Love you too." I hung up and lay my head on the back of Saw's couch and tried to figure out what I was going to do.

Saw would pick up hours at Colorado Ink and I wasn't sure how I was going to spend my week now that I wasn't going home or to school.

"Maybe I should get a job," I wondered out loud as Saw flopped down on the couch beside me, sitting a plate down on my lap.

The Ink That Brands Us ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora