Chapter Seven

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After another hour, we finally called it a night and I was relieved.

Once Jensen had returned to the game, my head just wasn't in it. I had lost all my chips within the first few hands and watched after that. Jensen did his best to avoid me and I wasn't sure how that made me feel. Mostly, I think I was just confused about him in general.

We all shuffled into the living room, Derek and Tyler calling dibs on sleeping on Saw's huge couch, before slumping onto it and fighting over the remote. I had a feeling that whatever they decided on watching, neither would be awake long enough to watch it.

"Looks like I'll be on the floor," Jensen stated, pushing the coffee table out of the way.

I should've just stayed quiet and let him sleep there, but sometimes I'm too nice for my own good. Before Jensen could lie down, I stopped him.

"I have a spare room," I told him. "You can take it."

I didn't bother asking because I knew he would refuse. I spun and moved towards the door, looking back at him. He still hadn't moved and I could tell that he was thinking about staying here. When he looked up at me, I raised an eyebrow in challenge.

With a shrug, he followed in behind me as I led him to my apartment and into the spare room. I was glad my mom had insisted on the spare bed. It really was a great idea. I'd have to thank her again when I talked to her.

I flipped on the bedroom light and gestured to the bed. He stepped around me and into the bedroom.

"Well, here ya go," I said. "If you need anything, just give me a holler."

"Thanks," he said.

"What are friends for?" I said, smiling.

I retreated down the hall and into my room, not wasting any time in changing into my PJs. I put my sweatpants and sports bra back on, deciding that I didn't care if he saw me in my ugly clothes. Maybe that would cool whatever it was going on between us.

After changing, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water to take to my room. I had this weird habit of waking up in the middle of the night needing something to drink and I didn't want to wake my company by walking around in the middle of the night.

I was almost back to my bedroom when Jensen stepped out of the guest room.

"Hey," he said, taking in my nightclothes.

I tried to ignore the way his eyes seemed to linger on certain parts of me and the fact that my body seemed to react all on its own when he looked at me.

"Hey," I said, smiling. "Can I get you anything?"

I'd never had anyone stay over before so I wasn't sure what the proper etiquette was, plus I was a little nervous. Mostly because it was Jensen.

"You okay?" he asked, reading whatever look had crossed my face.

"Oh, um yeah," I shrugged, trying to look indifferent. "I was just thinking, I mean, I've never had anyone stay the night with me before."

I gave an awkward laugh, tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

"You mean since you moved here?" He looked confused.

"Ah, no. Never," I said, uncomfortably. "I haven't really had friends before."

"Really?" He asked, surprised. "Why not?"

"I figured that would be obvious?" I shrugged.

He looked even more confused, not getting it.

"What do you mean?"

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