Chapter Eighteen

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I was on my third shot and feeling pretty good when a hand landed on my shoulder. I looked up to find Jensen staring down at me.

"Time to go, luv," he said, pulling me from my chair.

"What?" I groaned, swaying. "But I haven't had enough drinks yet.

"You've had enough. Any more and you'll have a nasty hangover in the morning." His words were rough around the edges, which made his accent thicker.

It was seriously hot.

"If you say so," I slurred, letting him pull me out of the room. I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder.

Holding each other up, we made it across the hall without incident, but as we pushed through our apartment door my foot caught on something and I tripped.

We landed in a heap on the floor just inside the door.

"Ow!" I giggled, rolling onto him. His chest rumbled with his own laughter.

"All right, luv?" He asked, looking up at me.

"Someone asking you if you're okay shouldn't sound so sexy." I hadn't meant to say it out loud, but my brain to mouth filter seemed to be broken. "Why can't I find a guy like you? You're so sweet and caring. Alex is just... I don't know. I don't like Alex."

"You'll find someone better than me. Someone better than that wanker Alex," he mumbled, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah right. A guy like you wouldn't look twice at me. I'm nothing special," I snorted, then frowned because, damn, it was true.

"You can't honestly believe that, luv." His face had hardened and he narrowed his eyes.

I shrugged because I did believe that.

"You don't look twice at me."

"You're right. I don't look twice at you," he said and I looked away, but he lifted my face back up so I would look at him. "I don't look twice at you because I never stop looking at you. I can't stop looking at you. You're so amazing and I'd be the luckiest bloke in the world if I could land a woman like you. You're so fucking special."

Those were the kind of words every woman wanted to hear and coming from Jensen, they meant even more to me. It meant that I wasn't the only one who had feelings and I wasn't crazy. There was something between us and it was a relief to know he felt the same.

He was staring at me intently and I was lost in those brilliant green eyes. I wasn't sure how to respond after a bomb like that, but I could imagine the look on my face was more than enough. He was my best friend and I was beginning to think I might be a little in love with him.

The thought hit me like a freight train and I scrambled to my feet, eager to put a little distance between us. I couldn't feel like that towards him. He was my best friend. My best friend! Feelings like that would destroy a friendship and I couldn't let that happen.

I hurried into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses from the cabinet, filling them with water straight from the tap. Jensen had followed me, so I held a glass out to him as I picked the other one up. Once he took it, I drained my glass.

When it was empty, I set it back on the counter and headed around the bar.

Just as I was passing Jensen he spoke.

"Tell me, luv. What did you mean this morning?"

I turned wide eyes on him.


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