Chapter Twenty-Six

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My eyes snapped open as I jerked awake. My hand clutched my chest and I had to suck in gulps of air to catch my breath. I had been having a nightmare, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it had been about. It had faded too quickly.

    I looked over to find Jensen sprawled out beside me and I tried to recall when he had come home. When we were leaving work, he told me he had to give Tyler a ride and would meet me at the apartment. I had wondered why Derek couldn't do it but figured it wasn't my business.

    I waited an hour before I gave up and went to bed. My eyes were heavy as bricks and I was spent from the day's events. Saw had made sure I made it to my apartment without a hitch, then disappeared into her own apartment.

    I snuggled closer, smiling. Glad he was here now and I could cuddle up to him. I reached over to brush the hair out of his face and jerked my hand back as if I were burned.

When I had lifted his hair it revealed multiple cuts and bruises. I reached out to move his hair again, but he flinched away.

    He blinked at me through the strands of hair and I couldn't hold back the scowl on my face.

    "Luv," he cautioned, sitting up. He made to reach for me, but I moved off the bed to glare down at him.

    "Jensen!" I didn't have to ask what happened. I could guess and I knew I would be right, but I asked anyway."What happened?"

    "Something you are not going to be happy about," he mumbled, looking guilty.

    "Too bloody late for that!" I scolded him, using one of his own words against him. It only made him grin.

    "Come now, luv." He was trying and failing to look serious.

    "No, you come on! Tell me what happened!"

    He sighed heavily, then moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I didn't take Tyler home," he confessed.

    "You don't say!" My voice dripped with sarcasm.

    "Derek called his gym as we were leaving work and they said Alex was there. I couldn't get those bloody marks out of my head, luv. I told myself that I was just going to stop in and have words with him, but when we arrived there he called you a whore and I saw red." His eyes were hard and I could see that his anger lingered and when he reached for my hand, I let him take it. He raised it up placing a kiss on my knuckles.

    "You look awful," I sighed. "I'm glad you're okay."

    He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You're not mad?" He mumbled into my chest.

    "No. I can't be mad at you. You were defending me." I knew it was wrong, but I was pleased that he cared enough to go to such lengths even if I wished he wouldn't.

    He pulled back to look into my eyes.

"I love you."

    I pushed at his chest causing him to fall back. I climbed astride him and looked down at him grinning.

"I love you more." I bent my head down to kiss his neck, then trailed kisses down his chest.

He chuckled low, then rolled us until he was the one on top.

    "No luv. I love you more and I'll show you how much." It was said in between kisses.

    He reached for the end of the sleep shirt I wore and pulled it over my head. He grinned down when it revealed I wasn't wearing anything underneath.

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