I panicked and didn't know where to go. So I ran towards the house. By the time the boys got over the fence they saw me.
"Catch it!" The taller boy called and the other ran after me. I couldn't believe they actually thought I was some wild animal.

Within seconds I heard silence and with a turn of my back there was a boy flying through the air and landed on top of me. I yelped.
"Hey! Its not an animal!"
The other boy ran towards me and the other climbed off.

"Who are you?" The taller one said.
"I'm, uh. Park Jimin."
"Jimin?" Both of them said.

"You're not from here, are you?" The taller one said.
"N-no, I'm from Busan." I replied. "I've moved in here today." I pointed at the house.
The shorter boy stood up and helped me off of the ground. I dusted myself off.

"S-sorry," he said, "I thought you were some sort of animal." I told him it was fine.
"Well, who are you guys?" I asked.
"I'm Min Yoongi." The shorter one said. "And this is my younger brother."
"Younger?" I asked. And the taller one laughed. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"You wanna come play with us?" The boy asked.
"Uh, okay sure. What're we playing?" I asked.
"Just follow us to the treehouse." He said and the two ran through the grass and back across the gate. I followed behind them.

I couldn't believe I was actually about to be able to go into their treehouse. I was ecstatic. I didn't think it was going to be easy to make new friends here speaking on my nerdy reputation in Busan, but like I said before, its gonna be a brand new start for me.


I climbed over the gate and were now on their side. Looking at the treehouse from this angle was even better. My eyes sparkled with delight as I saw them walking over and seeing them getting ready to go up. I walked over to them but they stopped me.
"We just gonna let him in Yoongi?" The boy asked. I was confused. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"We don't just let anyone up, Jimin." He replied. "There's a password."

"well, what is it?" I asked. The pair laughed at me. I didn't get what was funny.
"It's a secret, duh."
"Well, can I have a hint?" I asked.  To two kept laughing and soon settled to help me get access.
"Okay," The aforementioned said still giggling, "If you type it into a calculator, it spells 80085." He said and the two started laughing uncontrollably. I get it, but it wasn't THAT funny.

"Really," I replied. "Boobs?" The pair collapsed onto the ground. They even started to cry by how hard they were laughing.
This lasted for a good minute before they gained their composer. "You're a keeper, Jimin." Yoongi said patting me on the back.

The two began climbing up the ladder and finally I got my chance to go up and see what it was like in a Treehouse, and it was everything I hoped. I could see my entire house from up here, even the moving truck that was still in front of my house.
"This is so cool." I said out loud.
"Take it all in, Park." The younger boy said. "We don't just let anyone up here. Especially if they don't know the secret code." the two giggled. but I ignored them, I was two invested in looking out of the window and seeing everything.

We stayed up there until dark. Mostly playing tabletop games like D&D. They even added me to their campaign. It was now 7:00 and Yoongi's brother who was the party leader said he was getting to tired to go on and was going inside, leaving me and Yoongi in the Treehouse.
"We can play tomorrow if you want?" Yoongi said. "It's quite boring playing this game with just the two of us, plus I always get shitty roles." We laughed.
"That sounds cool." I replied. I grabbed my jacked and tied it around my waist before I walked over towards the ladder.

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