Chapter 14

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Monday 11th

It was early morning but today was a big day. Izuku was going to join a hero training session as it was at the USJ.

They rode is a lovely spaced out coach and Izuku watched with amazement as Bakugou interactted with his peers.

Kirishima talked about powerful quirks and how Bakugou and Todoroki had flashy ones so they would probably be an amazing hero. Tsu joined in and said Bakugou probably wouldn't with the amount of shouting he does resulting in Bakugou screeching at everyone in the coach.

They arrived and Izuku nerded out over Thirteen like he had with the other teachers. He got out his old notebook and immediately drew a sketch before scribbling notes about everything he could observe.

Thirteen smiled at him before leading them inside. She explained how quirks must be worked with as they could be used for saving just as much as killing.

At the mention of harm, Bakugou stiffened and froze. He grinned the handles of Izuku's wheelchair and tried to calm down. Nothing was working and he was getting wound up more and more. His guilt ate at him. He was in pain. But-

Izuku turned to place a pale hand gently into Bakugou's own rough and calloused ones and that was all it took to calm him down. Bakugou breathed in deeply and huffed the air back out.

To others, he looked like a rampaging freak with bulging eyes and hands that seen to itch for a fight. The reality that Izuku sees though is one of a nervous traumatized boy with anger issues but is kind and considerate to the point that's his hand shakes out of awkwardness.

But to both sides, he was still a screaming boy who swore every other second :/

The practice was about to start when Iida pointed out a purple black mist which sent chills down the teacher's spines.


Panic struck the class and they made their way back towards the door only to have the mist surround them too. Everyone was picked up and teleported all over the facility, Izuku included.

Izuku screamed as he was hit with heat. He was dropped at the edge of the fire zone and it was the worst case scenario for him. His sensitive skin was already loosing colour and any minute now he was going to dissolve and evaporate.

Fear grabbed at him and he didn't know what to do. He was lost and smoke was everywhere...


A fluffy tail blew aside the smoke and Ojiro appeared. He noticed immediately the wheelchair was stuck and that Izuku was already semi-transparent and Bakugou was no wh-


An angry Bakugou fell out of the sky with Kirishima close behind.

Landing close, Bakugou blasted his way to Izuku and without a second thought, ripped his shirt off. It was his hero outfit so it was designed to withstand heat and he immediately put it on Izuku. He hoisted the smaller male into his arms and screamed at Kirishima to free up the wheelchair.

Ojiro helped pull it out of the ground which Kirishima smashed through and they all ran down the side back towards the platform in the centre.

Iida had just ran out of the facility for help and Aizawa was facing a beast. Izuku trembled but when he saw his teacher receive an upper cut, the fear subsided.

Just as the nomu plummeted down on Aizawa and the blue haired villain stood annoyed at the side, the frail boy in a wheelchair wheeled over with fear gone from his porcelain face. The villain looked at the boy and smirked, he wasn't a hero, he wasn't in an outfit.

"Oh?...well what do we have here? A frail little pretty boy who wants to play hero?"

Izuku wasn't really thinking as his body moved on its own. Although now he shivered as chills went down his spine. He had no idea what was going on least he was a distraction.

The villain walked right past Aizawa who was under the nomu and squatted down in front of Izuku.

He outstretched his hand as if for a handshake, "I'm Tomura Shigaraki, and who are you?"

Izuku shook inside but he simply smiles as he raises his own hand out.

They shook hands and the the villain's eyes widened as he saw he caused no damage to the boy.

"Wah?" He questions as he let go and grasped Izuku's wrist tightly.

A/n Izuku outer skin has basically turned into a liquid from the fire zone and I don't think Shigaraki can disintegrate water?

Izuku whimpered slightly at the pressure as tape came flying and wrapped all around Shigaraki's body. Purple balls stuck his limbs together and with a screech, Bakugou and Todoroki both leapt forward at that moment and aimed powerful blasts right at the Shigaraki's face as Kirishima lifted Izuku up and ran back.

Uraraka jumped forward and slapped Shigaraki causing him to float towards the ceiling unable to move. The nomu got off Aizawa and proceeded to screech loudly, aimlessly jumping to try and reach it's master.

Izuku had fainted and by the time he woke up, he was back in the dorms.

"Wah?!" Izuku woke up in a panic and looked around.

"About time ya dumb nerd" Bakugou smirked. He explained that support turned up not long after and before they arrested him, a black mist took Shigaraki away. They got the beast though.

Izuku sighed happily knowing there was no serious incidents before his hands started shaking. The previous fear that he swallowed to help his peers caught up and his vision blurred. He fell sideways but Bakugou caught him and lay him down slowly.

"Sshhhhhhhhh............ It's okay..............."

His words were raspy, low and soothing.

"I will always come running to save you, even if it means falling from the sky."

Izuku blushed and looked away. He was ridiculously happy.

"Your voice is what I imagine the waves to be like Kacchan y'know? It's always so soothing."

It was Bakugou's turn to blush except it was only the tips of his cheeks in comparison to Izuku's full out one where even his elbows were pink.

Either way, they were now both blushing.

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