"He said he was fine" Remus replied, not having let go of me.

"I wouldn't say he's fine. He's as red as an apple" she pointed out, laughing slightly.

"He wasn't before you walked in" he replied.

"No I suppose he wasn't but he needs to rest. Do I need to kick you out" she asked, giving him a stern look.

"I want him to stay" I squeaked out.

"Then perhaps you two shouldn't get physical" she replied.

"I feel fine. I think I'm healed" I said, turning red again.

"Then try to stand, unaided" she sighed.

I nodded as Remus stood up, watching me carefully in case he had to catch me. I squeaked quietly as I slid my legs off the bed slowly before standing up, shaking slightly as I placed my hand on the wall.

"Do you feel any pain anywhere" she asked.

"No just tiredness" I sighed as Remus wrapped his arms around me gently, helping to hold me up.

"Fine then you're free to go" she sighed before walking back out of the room.

"We have an apartment near Brennos'. He'll still be teaching you Gaulish and I'll be learning from Osanna" he said softly as he turned me around.

I nodded, tired as I leaned into him slightly, squeaking as he lifted me before walking out of the room.

"How long was I out for" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Probably a day or so" he replied, heading down the stairs and out into the street, towards our apartment.

"What made you change your mind" I asked.

"I decided that being with you was more important than what the others wanted" he smiled, unlocking the door as he walked inside.

"You can put me down you know" I smiled up at him.

"I could but I don't particularly want to. It's not like you weigh that much" he laughed as he laid me on the bed before going to make us both dinner.

"Hey! Are you calling me small" I squeaked as I sat up.

"Baby, I love you but you're like half a foot shorter than me and barely weigh 120 lbs. if that" he laughed.

"So? I'm still strong" I squeaked as I stood up and nearly fell over as a sudden wave of exhaustion rolled over me.

"Shit, don't fall" he said, concerned as he caught me, helping me to steady myself.

"It's got to be from almost fading. That's the only logical explanation" I sighed, leaning against him.

"Baby, you were dead for a solid thirty seconds. Like your heart wasn't beating at all. I thought you were gone" he sighed, cupping my face in his hands.

"I'm alive, Remus. I promise. You pulled me back to the world of the living and I have to be honest, living is a lot more painful than it was to fade" I replied.

"I can only imagine" he said softly as he kissed my nose before asking, "Are you steady enough to stand on your own?"

"I think so" I squeaked as he let go of me.

He nodded before going back and throwing the rest of the salad together and handed me a bowl and some wine.

"Thanks" I squeaked, taking a few tentative steps towards the table before sitting down across from him.

"Brennos mentioned something about training so that you would become stronger" he asked, watching me instead of eating.

"Yeah, he doesn't want me to get killed in battle" I sighed

"Neither do I and more importantly, I don't want you to get captured. We both know what it would mean if you were" he sighed as he reached out and took hold of my hand.

I just nodded as I ate slowly, feeling some fear at that thought.

"I will do my best to protect you though" he said gently.

"Thank you, I appreciate it" I smiled.

"What Osanna said has some merit. You were badly injured last night and I presume it was from when we hit the ground. The reason you're still not in bed is because I healed you" he explained.

"You can heal people" I asked, surprised.

"My father did give me some useful gifts" he smiled at me as he finished his salad.

"I suppose he did" I smiled as I stood up, taking our empty bowls and cleaning them quickly.

"How are you feeling, and be honest" he asked as he sat on the bed.

"I feel okay just tired" I replied as I walked over and laid down beside him.

"I'm hoping that will pass but we need you at your best" he smiled, laying down as his arms wrapped their way around my waist, pulling me against him.

"Get some sleep, baby" he said gently.

"You too" I squeaked, pulling the blanket around us tighter as I fell asleep.

What Falls Never FadesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang