chapter twenty four

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third person pov

they hadnt spoken in three days. they both had the same thoughts, the same rants to their friends, the same heartache in their chest from not knowing who's fault it was.
finn had told her that she needs to stop messing with her head, which led to her breakdown because she wasnt ready to talk to him in the first place. however, sam had warned him in the beginning and then sent him to find her which started the entire thing. alyssa knew she shouldnt have cabed into the pressure of talking to finn and led him to say that which led to her blowup of apologies she didnt need to say. it was a mess of things amd nobody knew how to deal, not even sam.

the cast goes back to atlanta in 2 days and everyone is hoping to get them talking again before then, so that alyssa can shoot her rightfully earned dance scene. but it didnt go as easy as everyone had planned.
they all knew that alyssa would be easy to convince, because no matter how hard she was hurting, she always puts her friends first. finn, however, was a little more difficult. jack and noah decided to bring finn to the park, for fresh air because he'd been in his house for a while. sadie, syd, and sam did the same thing.
once alyssa saw finn in the corner of her eye, she climbed into a tree and cinvinced the others to follow her. once noah saw they were climbing into a tree next to the lake, he walked them down there and  looked for turtles popping their heads out of the water.
its when finn saw alyssa, that they realized their plan was terribly stupid.
finn: what the fuck, guys? did you really bring us out here to wedge us together again? to talk about our feelings?
noah: what? do you have feelings you need to talk about?
finn: not now! not with her!
sadie: finn come on, we leave in 2 days, you guys need to fix this.
alyssa: why sadie? so i can mess with his head again? i will do anything for you guys, you know that. but this isnt making you happy, this isnt me putting you first because youre worried about me. this is you taking advantage of the love i keep for my friends. and sam? really? i expected this from sadie and syd, no offense, but you know me better than i know myself. did you really think this would work?
finn: she's right. if we had things to talk about we sre fully capable of doing it on our own. maybe we would need a little push, but its been three days. i'm still trying to wrap my head around what even happened in the first place. you doing this, pushing it before i even said a word about her in the past three days is a little extreme. i'm going home and i will see you in two days. i'll bring your shit to the airport but do not come back to my house.
jack: finn c'mon. we were just trying to help.
finn: well you didnt.
sydney: yeah you made that perfectly clear.
finn: no one asked you sydney.
alyssa: hey! dont talk to my sister like that. you may be angry or furious or whatever the hell youre feeling, but you have no right to talk to anyone like that.
finn: what? like a dick?
alyssa: like a douche who doesnt know human decency
finn: so now i'm indecent
alyssa: now youre putting words in my mouth
finn: and you put thoughts in my head. i was perfectly fine being alone and dorky and whatever else i was before i met you.
alyssa: sorry but youre the one who talked to me? nobody said you had to know me.
finn: you kinda make it hard not to wanna.
alyssa: what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
finn: youre out there. and youre extroverted. and you let everyone walk all over you and look where its got us now.
alyssa: excuse me, there is a difference between making people happy and letting them walk over you. if youre referring to the twin switch thing, then yeah, i let her walk all over me. but that is my business and if you genuinely have a problem with that, if you have a problem with how i live my life, then maybe you don't need to be in it. goodbye finn.

alyssa had stormed away frim the group of kids climbing down from the tree and walking toward the lake to avoid that fight. finn looked back at them and scoffed,
finn: really helped, didnt it?
sadie: where the hell do you get off, finn?
finn: i dont see how this is my fault.
sydney: of course you dont.
finn: what the hell is that supposed to mean?
sam: SHE WAS READY TO FORGIVE YOU IDIOT. she was going to apologize because she misses you. i saw it in her eyes when she saw you before she climbed the tree. she was contemplating it. and then you tell her how she lives her life? c'mon dude.
noah: this isnt all finn's fault, sam. they were right, we shouldnt have forced anything. we all know that she wouldve been there to see sam and sadie off, even if she wasnt coming to film. we shouldve just left it as it was.
finn: yeah. you shouldve. the last time i got her to forgive me, i did it on my own. you tried, and i regused your help. so where the hell do YOU get off, wanting to do something you knew i wouldnt be willing to do.

after that, finn also stomped off. leaving the teenagers in regret by the lake.

a/n this chapter is kinda intense lol , but i think i'm gonna change the format for this story. ahah maybe. i'll try :)

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