chapter three

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€ third person pov €
€€ atlanta georgia €€
€€€ wednesday €€€

sam wasnt in love with alyssa. the protective , overbearing feeling he had for alyssa was strictly brotherly. he had always been that way. protecting her. he had met her the day these guys were bothering her. alyssa was sitting in the rain at the park crying her eyes out when sam approached her. it was a dare to ask her out. he had talked her down and ever since he had felt it was his job to protect her.
he was driving the two twins to school as syd and alyssa talked about auditions and meeting the cast. the males she had met the previous night had asked her to not talk about meeting them for the sake of everyone else in the class. they didnt want them to think it was unfair judgment. although for one of the boys, it would be anyways.
they got to the school and parted ways to go to their lockers and class and such.
at the end of the day sam and alyssa went to get ice cream.
alyssa: i cant wait for soccer season again
sam: yeah. soccer is the best
alyssa: anyways, at least no one's home
sam: you want to invite finn and them over
alyssa: if that is what pleases you. you hungry?
sam: waffles!!!
alyssa: i wanted chicken
the pair both screamed chicken and waffles at the same time
as sam grabbed his keys and hollered a salutation he went to get chicken, alyssa went to get things to start making waffles.
when she was finished, sam came back with five other people and fried chicken.
the girl had her headphones in and had started singing out loud when sam left.
she hadnt realized the boys had come back yet
jack: wowwwwww
finn: so you can dance, cook, AND sing.
caleb started whispering with chosen "she's perfect for him"
sam overheard and told them they were bad at whsipering
alyssa: okay its readyyy
the other twin ended up walking home since the game was cancelled and the cheerleaders had all left afterschool
she got home to sam's car in the driveway and five strangers , who really weren't strangers.
sydney: holy. fuck.
alyssa: heyyyyy syd
sydney: fi- ja- noa- cho- cale- what the fuck!!!!
sydney's words were stuttered and she couldnt get anything but those out, in a state of being purely starstruck.
sam: i thought there was a game today?
sydney: cancelled. are you being favorited by the people we are auditioning for on friday?
alyssa: what?
sam: jack is my cousin. and they were in town and i beought them here for chicken and waffles because it is wednesday and this is what we do on wednesdays
alyssa: would you like to join?
sydney: YES. YES YES I DO- *cough* i mean uhh yeah sure i have nothing else to do
alyssa: kay well its ready. and you dont like chicken and waffles so i can make you lumpia or pansit or whatever
sydney: lumpia! lumpia! lumpia!
alyssa: anyone else?
finn: what is it?
alyssa: essentially an eggroll. OH MY GOD IM MAKING CHEESE LUMPIA. its melted cheese fried in rice paper
sam: its good
jack: we'll take your word for it.
in complete honesty everyone did favor alyssa this time. she didnt freak out when she saw them. she undressed, sure, but she didnt care who they were.
thats what finn liked most about the small girl in front of him
and the girl behind him, was just kinda creepy
he felt her eyes on him the entire night.
sydney: so have you guys seen the house yet?
alyssa: actually dad's-
sydney: if i'm here, dad wont care.
alyssa: yeah but-
sydney: alyssa! if youre gonna be such a bitch about it, just go dance.
alyssa: fine i will.
the raging girl was filled with nervousness. these were alyssa's guests. and as always, sydney took them. she ran towards her room and grabbed her skateboard, emergency dance bag, and her phone.
she texted sam and climbed out her window. jumping down the tree and skating toward the studio
sydney stormed out just in time to catch her arm.
sydney: where are you going?
alyssa: you told me to go dance, remember? now let go.
sydney: get back here!
alyssa: no! let go and make up whatever excuse you have for dad. i'll be at the studio.
she was so mad she forgot they had guests.
alyssa: i'm changing my dance tonight. so have fun figuring it out
she skated off towards the stufio, despite it being 6:00 on a wednesday. ms.griswald loved her though. this happened more than one would think.
when the girl started skated finn started falling. she was perfect for him and everyone thought so. everyone knew so.
sydney: whatever
sam: syd calm down
sam: no i wont calm down sam! she's just using them to get the votes. it isnt fair
caleb: hey if you think that just because she made us dinner she's gonna get the vote then you are so wrong
chosen: we vote fair and square and we are honest people
noah: so if she gets the part then she gets it because she was the best dancer
sam: we should probably head out
sydney: yeah sam, run after her! again!
sam: i'm sorry, do you have a problem with her being my best friend?
sydney: yeah i do, you were my best friend first!
sam: and then you stopped talking to me, so look where we are now
the six boys got in the car and drove off while sydney sat inside cleaning up all the mess.
her dad came on later that night and they spent the night on the couch
he didnt even care that alyssa wasn't there.
alyssa was finished dancing and went to sam's house later that night.
she knocked three times and he opened the door
sam: hey , are you okay?
alyssa: i'll be fine. can i stay here for the night?
sam: always. but uh, finn and them are here
alyssa: whatever. i'm tired
sam: you know where the guest room is
alyssa: thanks sam.
finn: hey she's here?
alyssa: hey i'm tired
jack: go home then
sam: she's sleeping here
caleb: hey us too
alyssa: cool. goodnight
finn: goodnight
finn was the only one who acknowledged her so she looked behind her and smiled.
she had showered and was almost sleeping peacefully

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