chapter twenty eight

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finns pov

"i had never seen her so vulnerable. she had cried in front of me before, and she had a breakdown, but hearing about that crash? and her mom? it was different and its a side of her i hope i get to see again. not because i wanna know her secrets, but becaise i want her to trust me." finn sighed as he flopped down on his bed.
across him sydney sighed. "look, i know you want to get to know my sister. and i'm happy that youre learning to love her and that she feels safe with you. but you can't tell anyone else about this."
"i know. thats why i called you over. i needed to talk to someone about her hut i couldnt bring anything else up. figured you were the best person for that. although i couldve called sam." he smiled at the end, realizing that calling sam would've been the best move.

"you should've. and you still can. i'm bored of hearing you talk about my sister. i'm gonna go, but i really am rooting for the two of you. and i'm sorry that i pushed her to talk to you, back in canada. she was just upset and i figured you could help. and i'm sorry for everything before that. and after that. basically you have my apologies for every crime i've commited." she laughed at that, along with finn who smiled at her sincerity. "no but seriously, i dony wanna hear you talk about my sister. so call sam. OH amd are you coming for dinner tonight?"
"yeah i should be. unless you'd rather i not be there?"
"no no, its all good: just needed to make sure."

after sydney had left, he figured he's better get ready. seeing as how he only had about an hour to get ready. he didnt know who else would be at the dinner besides her family. he figured sam would be there, but wasnt sure.

when he arrived & went inside, he found alyssa watching tv with her cousins.

"hey!! youre early" she smiled widely and made room for him to sit
"yeah, got bored waiting haha. what are you watching?"
"well, julia wants to watch the office, but cathleen and the rest of us wanna watch arrested development"
"have you watched 'i think you should leave'?"
"we have! yesterday in fact. my cousins wanted to watch. by the way, this is cathleen, julianne, jimbo, and julia."
"i'm finn, nice to meet you."

third person pov

after dinner, everyone had sat down in the living room to watch arrested development with us. everyone had agreed to watch the office before dinner and then arrested development after. the elders thought it was a good idea too. the rest of the evening was spent with dinner, games, karaoke, and alyssa's elders getting to know her, now official, boyfriend.

"so, alyssa?" julianne started
"how did finn ask you out?" cathleen finished.
"it was really sweet and simple. nothing big. we were um, we just were in my room and watching the office and-"
"and you were making out and he just asked you before he took off your pants?"
"NO" finn and alyssa both shouted
"come on, syd. i'm classier than that."
"fair point." sydney smirked at her twin and her cousins.
"no, we were just laying down and he just asked me out. well more like he called himself my boyfriend but ya know, same difference"

the couple was cheeky and couldnt stop smiling at the memory. the two of them were adored by her family and unbelievably relatable to her cousins.

"um, hey finn. do you wanna come bowling with us tomorrow? its just the cousins, so you can come if you wish."
"that's really cool, but i was actually gonna invite you guys to come hangout with my friends and me at my house."
"oh god." sydney and alyssa repeated at the same time as their cousins danced around the living room in excitement
"you've made a mistake, take it back and lets go bowling, oh my god" alyssa painfully joked with her boyfriend.
"it'll be fine" finn smiled at her and oulled her closer with his arm around her waist.

"this just means you get to meet my family next time" he whispered in her ear so unnoticeably.

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