chapter fourteen

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€ third person pov €
€€ alyssa's house €€
€€€ sunday €€€

the teenagers stood there confused
did he really not want her?
was he just pretending because he was such an ass and his anxiety got the best of him?
did he genuinely not want her anymore?
sam: then i guess we can rearrange the icing to say "we love you"
sydney: yeah i guess so

€ finn's pov €

its not that i didnt want her
its that i was such a dick.
and i love them for trying to help, but if i wanted her back i needed to do it on my own.
i dont deserve her after what i did. after how i reacted. she needed to know just how much i really cared for her. and i had it all planned out.
but i needed to be ready to be hurt again
although i really did do it to myself that time.
i went home and went to my desk instead of my bed.
i got everything i needed and started compiling everything.
that night i climbed the roof to her window when i knew she was sleeping
and i started to leave the notes.

€ alyssa's pov €

i was showered and ready when i boticed something on my window.
a note?? an anonymous note??

€ third person pov €

the girl unfolded the piece of paper, cautious and scared of what was inside.

go in the tree

she did so, with her metal pole. she climbed in and found another note

ice cream?

she went back inside and called sam. sam answered and she asked to meet him at the ice cream shop. he agreed and they were on their way
when she went inside someone smiled.
???: ma'am? are you alyssa moore?
alyssa: yes ma'am , that's me?
???: someone paid for your ice cream and a note
the lady turned around and grabbed ice cream out if the freezer with a piece of paper carefully placed on top.
alyssa: can you tell me who left it?
???: unfortunately this person has asked to remain anonymous.  but i assure you, nothing bad will happen
the pair had nodded and turned around to sit
sam: what going on?
alyssa: this morning there was a note on my window and in my tree. they told me to come here and it scared me so i called you incase i died.
sam: well i know who did this. and like the lady said, its harmless. so im gonna go back to sleep. but call me if you get scared again. okay?
alyssa nodded. and sam walked out
she picked up the note and started reading

so youre probably kinda scared you might die. but i promise you wont. meet me at the park on fifth at 10:30

she checked her phone to see it was 10:20
she stood up and thanked the lady and left a tip in the jar.
she walked outside, greeted by the autumn weather and cool breeze.
she ate her icecream as she walked to the park and when she got there she saw balloons and candles and tall, curly headed, freckled face with a goofy smile.
her lips curved into a soft smile as she approached the boy.
finn handed her a note and she unfolded it with a small laugh.

i know we both probably have a lot to say. but me first.
                            - finn

she nodded and finn started to speak.
finn: i know i was a dick. i know that i hurt you a lot when i said what i said. and that doesnt give me an excuse , but just listen?when sydney broke up with me she told me everything. how you wanted to help her be happy. and then when you explained everything to me it made me so mad. i wasnt mad at just you,but more at myself for not realizing. and i was mad at you for not telling me or anyone else. and it hurt a lot that the girl i fell so head over heels for wasnt even the girl that i fell for. and it just hurt me that even after your sister had taken your life you still wanted her to be happy. it made me upset because you deserve so much more than that. you deserve the world. and you deserve to be happy. and shen you let sydney use you to keep her scam up, that was like you telling yourself that you didnt deserve it. and that msde me really upset. and i know you told me the truth that night, but i was so hoping that your reasoning wasnt the only reasoning. or that it was the real reason. anyways, i know i was such an ass that night, but subce then i've barely gotten out of bed. and i you havent left my mind since we got here. so please just forgive me and maybe we could start over? and you could rightfully take your role in the movie?
the girl had tears down her cheeks. and she was fidgeting the entire time.
alyssa: sydney being happy wasnt the only reason . but i dont think youll like this one any more than you did the other. my heart has been toyed with for so long, finn. and youre an actor, you travel a lot. and youre gone for long periods of time. if i let- if i had allowed myself to fall for you more than i already had, i knew that if you hurt me it wouldnt hurt as bad. but it didnt hurt any less. because when you thought i was syd it made me move out here! and that wasnt very smart seeing as how you live like right down the street from me now. but i just hoped itd be easier if you were with her. it wasn't.
finn stood there. confused and somewhat hurt.
finn: so we both had our reasons. but i'm coming home in like two months. which is only 8 weeks, which is really only like 62 days. my parents want me to take a break from actung and touring and maybe, when i get back we can actually go on a date? start over? no other twin? or you could come back to atlanta with me and rightfully film your part in the movie.
the girl stood there, considering his offer. and he anxiously shook his wrist hoping she wouldnt notice. but she did. so she grabbed his hand and held it in hers.
finn: hm, perfect fit.
alyssa: okay. i'll go back with you.
finn: yeah?
alyssa: yeah.
she smiled at him as he grinned at her
alyssa: so you did this?
finn: all of it.
alyssa: its really sweet finn.
finn: i really do care about you.
alyssa: i care about you too.
finn: shall we go back?
alyssa: sure why not. you can meet my parents and my baby sister.
finn: well that should be fun.
alyssa: indeed it will.
the two walked side by side as they held hands.
alyssa had gotten cold and finn had pulled her up against his side so she was warmer from his body heat.
the girl couldnt stop smiling as they walked and finn couldnt stop staring.

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