chapter eleven

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€ thrid person pov €
€€ vancouver €€
€€€ midnight €€€

she ran all the way to the wolfhard household and climbed the roof up to finn's room and pounded on the door.
he opened his window with red eyes
finn: what the hell-
sydney: no. you dont talk. you listen. now i know i messed up big time. i get that. but you do NOT get to punish my sister and hurt her like you just did. you do NOT play with her heart like that. i have never seen her this broken and it is my fault, yeah. but it is also YOUR fault. so do us all a favor. call your directors and tell them to cast another dancer. because my sister now hates me. but i will die before i ever let you hurt her again.
sydney's voice was strong and firm.
her voice broke twice in her little rant and as she climbed out the window her tears started to fall
she jumped down from his window and started her walk home.
what sydney didn't know, was that millie had called finn right before sydney left the house to show him just how much of a dick he was being.
they heard everything sydney had to say
and as soon as alyssa realized how much her hurt was affecting her sister she ran outside towards her, meeting her with her arms around her sister
the teenagers were leaning on alyssa's window seat and recording the interaction
sydney: alyssa i'm so sorry i've been doing this to you for so long.
alyssa: its-
sydney: its not whatever and its not okay. i've been such a crappy sister and the worst part is i'm your twin. i shouldnt be doing this. and i am so incredibly sorry that i got you into this mess with finn. i didnt know it hurt you this much. i knew you liked him and i am so incredibly sorry.
alyssa: you made up for it yeah? with your rant of declaration to protect me. i love you sis
sydney: i love you too sis
they hugged as everyone else went down and crowded around them trying to cheer up alyssa
sadie: hey how about us girls go shopping tomorrow
alyssa: actually tomorrow i was just gonna watch movies with sam
millie: then the next day
alyssa: i'd be down for that
sam: actually i made plans with the boys so you can have her tomorrow. movies on sunday
alyssa: i'm cool with that too
everyone then went to their hotels and sydney slept over and so did sam.
sydney: so where's mom?
alyssa: business trip. step dad and sister went with her. they'll be back on sunday
sydney: cool.
alyssa: are you ready to see her again?
sydney: i guess
alyssa: you know i reached out to her right?
sydney: you did?
alyssa: yeah. life in atlanta was just to much for me
sydney: you arent coming back?
alyssa: as happy i am to be okay with you and to be in such a great place with you, i think being away from eachother for a while will be good for our relationship. i need to be here for a while.
the girl nodded and smiled as her and her sister walked towards her room
sydney: sharing a room
alyssa: like when were five
the two girls fell asleep in the queen sized bed with sam across the hall
when sydney awoke alyssa was still sleeping
she went downstairs to cook breakfast and to her suprise
she found sam had already done so
sam: is she awake?
sydney: unfortunately not
there was an awkward moment of silence where sam went to sit down and sydney sat across from him
sam: you know you did the right thing last night. you know that, right?
she nodded her head and smiled softly
sydney: i'm sorry i did this.
sam: its okay. it'll all be okay. i promise
the girl nodded and got up to make breakfast of her own
it had been a couple hours and here was no sign of alyssa
sam had come to check on her, worried she wasnt even there yet
he found her in her bed, tears under her eyes, and her hair messy on her pillow
sam: bubbles? what's wrong?
alyssa: i'm tired
sam: no no no, bubbles get up
alyssa: sam i dont want to
sam: but i need you to
the sad girl nodded and stood up
sam left her and she showered and changed into yoga pants and a nasa shirt.
she walked downstairs and sat on the couch
the girls would be there shortly, ready to take alyssa to the mall and distract her
alyssa: syd are you coming with today?
sydney: if you want me to
alyssa: of course
sydney: alright, i'll go change
finn hadnt moved since he hung up on millie last night
hed laid down in his bed thinking about how much of an idiot he was to hurt her like that.
he knew she was telling the truth
and he knew that he shouldnt have reacted
he was just upset that she let her twin walk all over him
he was mad that maybe he couldnt get her to forgive him this time
he had hurt her without even knowing it
he was mad at himself for wasting time with the wrong girl. but he thought it was the right girl. so was it really his fault?
yeah. he should have known the difference.
he should not have gotten mad
he shouldnt have hurt her again.

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