chapter twenty

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€ third person pov €
€€ vancouver €€
€€€ monday 1:30 pm €€€

when finn had gotten that text from sam, he immediately left the house. rushing to search for the girl, he skated down through the streets, going to all the places he thought she'd be until he saw a book store.
he slowly walked in and smiled at the inside of the store.
vinyls and records, books of any kind, small stuffed animals, and anything a normal book store has.
he looked around and started walking towards the music section.
the girl had heard the door open. she was sitting with her friends, ranting about how scared and worried she was
she turned her head to see the only person she really wanted to see.
alyssa: finn?
finn: alyssa? oh thank god. i've been looking everywhere for you.
alyssa: why? is everything okay?
finn: you tell me, sam said you had some freak out and i got worried. he told me to look for you.
alyssa: oh. yeah, i'm fine now.
finn: are you sure?
alyssa: yeah. i'm here with stephanie, i'll be alright.
finn: do you want to come get skme food with me?
alyssa: no i'll be fine. just- go home finn. i'll call you later.
reluctantly finn left the store, a look of hurt and heartbreak flashing through his eyes
seeing that completely broke alyssa, but she couldnt do anything. she didnt want to have a breakdown in front of him. she can't.
he walked out and walked home sadly
stephanie: girl what was that for.
alyssa: i just- i cant right now. he's- he's so amazing and i just- i'm under a lot if emotional stress right now and i can't deal with that
stephanie: dude he just wants to make sure youre alright
alyssa: and i told him i was, he has nothing to worry about. i gotta head back to the hospital but i'll see you at school next week
stephanie: alright. bye
alyssa: bye, love.
after alyssa had walked off was feeling less stressed about everything.
with her parents in the hospital came so much more responsibility for alyssa
she has a whole baby sister to take care of now. on her own seeing as her parents are unable.
her mom was getting emergency surgery. her sister was still here.
she just snapped at the boy she cared so much for.
she ran away from her best friend.
she started her path to the hospital
she wanted to apologize to finn for being so cruel but she wanted to be there when they woke up.
when she got there she saw sam and sydney laughing and talking
she went inside and they both immediately ran to her ,engulfing her in a hug
sydney: are you okay?
sam: did finn find you?
sydney: mom and dad-
nurse: murphy?
alyssa: tha-thats us. well, she's our mom and step dad
nurse: they just got out of surgery. you can go see them, they are unconcious but the doctor is in there.
sam: you two go ahead, i'll text finn and let him know youre okay.
alyssa: oh he found me. but i kinda snapped at him
sam: i'll text him anyways.
sydney: thanks sam.
sam: f-for sure
the two exchanged glances and small smiles as alyssa's mouth gaped open.
alyssa: are you serious?
sydney: we'll talk later
alyssa: uh okay buddy
the two walked off and went theough the doors when sydney started squealing
sydney: i think i like sam.
alyssa: if you break his heart and he doesn't talk to me anymore i will literally never talk to you again and i mean it.
sydney: he's too sweet to break his heart.
alyssa: finally you realize this.
sydney: what?
alyssa: dude sam's like you for like forever.
sydney: no way?
alyssa: mhm, he says your the rebellious version of me and thats what he likes about you.
sydney: awh he's so sweet.
alyssa: but i'm serious. if i lose him because of you i'm never gonna forgive you.
sydney: yes ma'am.
alyssa: alright. i'll go see pops, you can get mom
sydney: no! i-i need you here for this.
the other twin nodded and they grabbed eachother's hand.
they slowly walked in, seeing their mother peacefully unconcious with bandages scattered around her body.
sydney: momma?
mrs murphy started to shift around, moving her hands to reach for her daughters
mrs.murphy: where's the baby?
alyssa: she's with finn. how are you feeling
mrs.murphy: pretty dazed.
sydney: what happened?
mrs.murphy: your pops was texting and driving.
alyssa: we'll be sure to scold him for that.
mrs.murphy: ah man, it was so crazy. how are you guys feeling?
alyssa: we're alright. kinda shaken but as long as youre okay.
sydney: alright we're gonna go check on pops and get an update for when you guys can leave
the mother nodded at her two daughters, finally seeing them get along.
the two walked towards their pops' room. sydney's head hung on alyssa's shoulder as she let out a sigh
me.murphy: hey! its the twins
alyssa: hey pops
she smiled and kissed his cheek, sydney doing the same.
mr.murphy: where's the baby? and your mom? is she okay?
sydney: the baby is with alyssa's-
alyssa: friends. and mom's alright but she said you were texting and driving?
sydney: pops thats not good.
alyssa: and quite illegal
mr.murphy: i know i know
the three finished their conversation and eventually went back out. sam was right there waiting for two, as promised, and immediately went to give alyssa a hug, then sydney
sydney: lets go get lyv off the wolfhard brother's hands.
alyssa nodded and smiled.

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