22- I Want To Be Your Boyfriend

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22- I Want To Be Your Boyfriend

I opened my eyes to see a very angry Alex. 

"Are you ok, Hazel?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks for saving me," I replied.

"You don't need to thank me, I was just doing the right thing."

"How did you know to come up here?" I asked curiously.

"When you walked upstairs he was looking at you and his friends were encouraging him to follow you so I followed him, just in case," he replied.

"Well then, thank you so much." I thank him again giving him a hug.

He tensed up for a moment before reciprocating the hug which caused me to smile. 

"It's seriously no problem, Hazel. Do you wanna get out of here?" he asked and I nodded.

"But first, I need to say bye to my friends," I told him.


We were currently at my house handing out candy to the little kids who knocked on the door while my mom took Becky and Daisy Trick-or-Treating. I was resting my leg on Alex's lap when a knock was heard and the door and I stood up grabbing the bowl of candy.

"Trick or treat!" It was a little girl who was accompanied by an older boy who looked to be around my age if not older. She was dressed as Elsa and looked absolutely adorable.

"Hi sweetie, how are you??" I asked as I added a handful of candy to her already growing collection.

"I'm good!" she exclaimed giving me a toothy grin. "You're really pretty."

"Awe, thank you. You're absolutely adorable." I said, smiling at her.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked looking behind me and toward the direction of Alex who was grinning.

"No, he's my friend," I replied, blushing.

"Oh, ok!" she said.

"Aria, c'mon let's go. You do want more candy, right?" The boy who was with her said and he nodded her head.

"Yes! Yes!" she said and he grabbed her hand as she waved at me. "Bye."

"Bye." I waved.

"Sorry about her." the boy said.

"It's fine," I replied.

"See you around," he said and I replied with the same, closing the door.

"Aw, I'm not your boyfriend?" he teased.

"Shut up," I muttered, feeling my face heat up.

"That's too bad, I wanted to be your boyfriend," he said and I stared at him for a second before blinking.

"What?" I asked trying to comprehend what he just said.

"I said, I want to be your boyfriend," he repeated.

He had to be joking, right?

"You know what?" he said, "Nevermind. That was dumb, I'm gonna leave now."

He picked up his devil horns that he left sitting on the table and left leaving me wondering.

What just happened?


"And he just left?" I nodded. 

"Just like that." I was giving Roxy and Mia a rundown of what had happened with Alex. Why are boys so confusing?

"That's weird, do you think he was playing a joke on you or he actually meant it?" Roxy asked.

"That's the problem! I don't know." I exclaimed. "Should I confront him about it?"

"Yeah, you should since you like him."

"Wait what?" Mia said confused, "She likes him? You never told me."

"Oh em gee, I forgot. I told Roxy not long ago. I'm sorry." I said.

"It's fine." she sighed.

I felt bad, I should have told her.

"So, on Monday just ask him if he was joking or not," Roxy concluded.

"And what if he says he is? That's gonna be so embarrassing." I groaned.

"Well, it's your choice," Mia replied and I replied knowing she was right. "Well, I gotta go and do my chores." She grumbled as we both laughed and said bye to her.

"I should go too, I have a date with Ethan soon, but remember don't do what I wouldn't do," Roxy said.

"Well, that sets the bar pretty low." I joked.


"Joking, joking," I said as we both started laughing.

"Bye," she said, before hanging up.


So, on Monday when I saw Alex in the hallway, I avoided him just like I had been doing the whole day. I had Roxy drive em over to school instead of having to face Alex even if it meant having to endure the extreme PDA she and Ethan were producing.

This caused me to be extremely jumpy because I never knew when I would see him around and not know he was there. I didn't really want to avoid him but I didn't want to risk embarrassing myself. What if he was just making a joke and I took it too seriously? So when a hand was placed on my shoulder I screamed really loud and turned around to find Alex staring back at me.

"Uh, hi?" I said not really sure whether I should stay or make a run for it the second I could.

"Hey, Hazel. Have you been ignoring me the whole day?" He asked.

Oh no, did I make it too obvious? Well, I did ignore him when he tried to talk to me in class but he would think that I was just paying really close attention to my classwork ... right?

"Really? You think I didn't see you when you were constantly running away from me?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh..." I trailed off and he stared at me, crossing his arms and waiting for an answer.

"Look! Free footballs!" I yelled, point in a random direction hoping to distract him but he just raised his eyebrows even more and stared at me with his piercing green eyes. Some kid ran in the direction I was pointing at and I mentally rolled my eyes. People these days are dumb.

"Really? That's the best you could come up with?"

"Um, yes?" I knew it wasn't, it was an absolutely terrible excuse even a two-year-old could come up with a better excuse than that.

"We need to have a talk, Hazel." He said, staring intently at me.

"Uh, about what?" I said, playing dumb hoping it would work even though deep down, I knew it wouldn't.

"Yesterday." was all he said, pulling me in the direction of the school's exit.

"Uh, but school is still going on," I said, hoping to redeem myself.

"3, 2, 1." The bell rang signifying that the day was over. "Ok, Hazel. Let's go."

"I need to get my stuff," I said, pointing in the direction where was locker was located.

"Alright, let's go to your locker." He said.

Damn it, I really thought he would let me go alone.

I got my things and he walked me over to his car before driving off.


Oooo~ I wonder where they're going. Oh well, I know and you don't hehe.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to give it a vote⭐! Thank you, have a good day/ night and stay safe!

~ Amethyst 💜

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